Homatics Box R 4K Plus

would the dune boxy hd work for dv

No, it does not boot (yet) CoreELEC.

shame as it’s €50 cheaper than the homatics

Just bought new Nokia 8010 because I had 40% off.
It has only single USB3 port and I tried booting from USB2 but it’s just too slow.
The remote doesn’t work at all at startup, you have to perform bluetooth pairing but the OK button doesn’t work.

I tried with sc2_s905x4_sei_smb_280.dtb only.

I am wondering how this kind of device could be usable with CoreELEC if we can’t use an external HDD.
I still didn’t try to play something as I can’t plug my HDD.

EDIT: Can I use my 8TB external HDD to both boot CoreELEC and host all my files?

We can use SMB :slight_smile:
Dune Box R 4K Plus also has one USB3 and one USB2 port, but I use CoreELEC just fine from USB2.
Maybe you can try using a different usb drive for CoreELEC.

With the latest nightly, the Dolby Vision not working on my TV. What could have happened? I also tried a hard reset.

CoreELEC:/sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0 # cat dv_cap
The Rx don't support DolbyVision

Your EDID is borked?

dv_cap is the result of EDID.


Thanks, I found the bug, Dolby Vision was turned off under Android, it seems that this switch also affects CoreELEC.

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You, my friend, need a NAS. Network attached storage. Solves all problems.

It was just because my USB stick is dying. Tested with a new one and everything goes well even with the USB2 port.

Hopefully I have my Shield’s remote that works pretty well.

I have shitty 4G internet box without any Ethernet port and I don’t want to buy NAS to plug it a blinking WIFI dongle.

you can try USB Hub, i dont know if can boot via Coreelec

Powered USB hub would be better right, its what I use

I know it’s still an Alpha and my Nokia 8010 is not totally supported.
But is it normal to have 2 seconds of verbose booting, then CoreELEC animation, slowdown in animation, black screen and finally Kodi. Booting on my previous box was always flicker free.

How did you get 40% off? :grinning:

I bought it on regional wholesaler, it was probably returned by someone and as they can’t resale it as new they reduce the price. I can return it too if I want so I bought it to test CoreELEC because I can’t find any Homatics near me and I don’t want to go to some Chinese eshops because random taxes and so on.

Please follow this, as usual:


At least post dmesg but if it boots to CE and everything is working, it’s done. The boot process is a bit slower than running directly from emmc but the certified status of this devices gives us less freedom than with other devices.

Here is what I have at startup visually for about 1 second:

And here the dmesg output:

EDIT: No verbose when using 4K television, slowdown in starting animation is still there.

It’s like this, everyone experiences it, it happens on other devices. Ignore it.

So everything went well! I’ll be able to test all kinds of stuff and compare with my Zidoo to see if there is any difference in rendering.

If you have any test videos I’m interested. I start with some links:

More important, what did he/she pay? :wink: