Homatics moan around thread

So for those on CE 21 Omega alpha 2 which runs ok, is it now recommended to downgrade to CE 20.2- NE with a release to be made with a back port of DV? I’m assuming that’s yet to be released.

IMHO, if CE 21 works OK for your uses, you can keep using it.
We found multiple issues with Kodi 21 (not CE specific) which makes it unusable for some use-cases.

Yes I was wondering that. Based on the announcement it sounded like I can downgrade this box back to CE20 and maintain DV playback?

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Also looking for more information related to “Restructure of CoreELEC device structure” release.
Seems that devs are working on a new 20.x version which hopefully will be released soon :slightly_smiling_face:
I’d be very grateful for a Kodi 20 version with DV support for my SC2 and G12B platforms boxes :pray:

It’s been said over and over. If the device doesn’t support DV it won’t have DV. No matter which version of CE you use.

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It’s amazing how many people don’t seem to understand that point.

maybe its time to (again) to think about a support page for this device since its obvious that folks dont know that the toothpick method is the correct one out of the bunch. Dont seam to have the time to always read all of the thread (over 1k post atm). etc.

So again i suggest to make a one page with all the necessary information or at least a small FAQ. (maybe as start just take the 1st post of this thread).

Than its just a linkable thing and we dont have to spam the same questions and answers every time or even have to get loud because some of us are annoyed :wink:

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that was actually the first time i came to the forum just to get the “was posted x times” reply.
back than i also suggested a wiki page.
But as all the other times i suggested it i got shut down. (or my posts get deleted xD).

But i really like the project and use it on a daily basis <3
So i take no offence :wink:

It is exactly the same as it was always on all devices.

Feel free to make wiki page from it.

i think you and at least some of us have different definitions of “the same”

as example for me four possible ways to rest (of which only one works) is not the same.
for me its four different things :wink:

  • Visible button marked “reset” or “recovery” or “power” button
  • Visible pin-hole on the underside of the case
  • Hidden button visible through ventilation holes in the case
  • Hidden at the end of the 3.5mm audio jack

Source: Amlogic - LibreELEC.wiki / coreelec:ceboot [CoreELEC Wiki]

but i am not here to discuss this matter in depth (again) i just will suggest it every time another user faced the same hurdles which could have been addressed <3



is there a way to contact you directly? (this forum has no DM function i can find and messages get constant timeouts :confused: )

i am happy to share notes of my Obsidian and maybe add a bit better formatting for general use


You know exactly what is missing and what would benefit to other users.

The problem of a Wiki is that nobody will read it like the posts in forum. Asking is just more comfortable than searching the correct answers.

Please all stay on topic or we need to split it.


if that is the case than i dont understand why the replys are so angry and annoyed :frowning:

anyway i think updating the 1st post with at least an FAQ or the most answered topics is a good idea so vpeter has to get loud every few awnsers <3

Then write what was missing when you got here and I will move to first post. In a form to just do copy/paste/move.

And I’m making answers to get higher post counter :rofl:

I’m confused by this announcement :point_up:
What is the “issue”?
What action should we be taking if our devices are fully updated?


The restructure announcement was poorly written/confusing. Telling people to RTFM does not improve the conversation.

And what exactly do you want to know? We can debate if it can be read differently or not but we’re just wasting more time.

thank you that is a well written and understandable summery (:

To criticism is easy without a sample text to make it better…

Read the forum and you find multiple places everywhere where all is described. People just ask before read.