Homatics moan around thread

“These changes are valid if you have a CoreELEC installation last updated before 28.07.2023”

Comment: This is apparently not accurate because in this thread and others, the guidance is for everyone to downgrade to CoreELEC 20.

Dear all, we did run into some issues with the current Kodi Omega. Right now it is not recommended to use Kodi Omega as a daily used device. We hope these issues are solved soon by Team Kodi but there is no timeline yet.
This forced us to rework current CoreELEC device structure including the backport of Dolby Vision to Kodi Nexus. Right now Dolby Vision was only be available for CoreELEC-21 Kodi Omega.

Suggested edits:
"Dear all, we ran into some issue with Kodi Omega, CoreELEC versions [insert affected version numbers]. Right now it is not recommended to use these versions as a daily driver. We hope these issues are solved soon by Team Kodi but there is no timeline yet.

We have reworked the current CoreELEC device structure and enabled Dolby Vision support for CoreELEC [insert version number here]. Prior to this rework, Dolby Vision was available only on CoreELEC-21 Kodi Omega.

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And you’ve decided to join last week just to make a line by line analysis of that announcement. Curious hobby.

Portisch asked for a sample of how to make it better.

What’s with the hostile attitude? DS_DV asked a question that was unclearly answered in the announcement and the response was “read the f***ing manual”. Then I gave some suggested edits at Portisch’s request and you’re apparently upset now. This is pretty unprofessional behavior, to say the least.

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You’re right, we’re not professionals, maybe that’s the reason. We’ve mentioned time and again that and some seem to always behave like paying costumers.
We try to treat everyone fairly, we honestly do, but in this thread there are (or were) many examples of people behaving like paying costumers not users.
We’re a community, we want everyone to feel welcome, so please try to keep that in mind when you’re posting something.

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Thx, I will edit it tomorrow.

This isn’t full correct. CE-20 did support this device before, but without DV. Only CE-21 did.
So if that a CE-20 version before this date it’s recommend to update as the version before DV was not available. And this must be manual as there is no auto update for this type of change.

The part about RTFM is as when you link it multiple times and still get same questions already answered multiple times the people just should start to read the f**** information.

CoreELEC is free open source and nobody is forced to use it. And we devs aren’t forced to help anyone or anybody.


that is sad and not fair.
i don’t have a solution for that :frowning:

i doubt anyone is questioning that <3

most certainly!

But its also the other way around. Only because some don’t have the time / or want to read FAQs or missed a part of the threat its not fair to treat every user the same (:

(at least for me) striving for good/professional communication is not exclusive to a for profit organisation.

At the end i assume ppl like electrobento frodo19 pretoriano80 etc also want only the best for the community (:

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CoreELEC is a non profit organization and will keep following this rule. We do all this work, and it’s a lot for multiple team members, for free in our free time for users. Just because we like to. There is no contract or any other agreement to anybody and if we want we can also shut down the project from one day to the next.

It’s only about be hit and criticism and questions every time about the same for what? That we should spend even more free time in a free open source project to write everything 100 times till dawn?
And continue next day?

Before this happen the project will be stopped and devs will quit, for sure.

It sound a bit “asshole” but if users loose respect about the project and it’s team members we also loose, already low, motivation to continue at all.

We are less than a handful of team members handling >15k daily CoreELEC users. So it’s not that we are just sit back and do nothing for users, using the open source project.

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I hope this just stops but don’t put pretoriano80 and frodo19 in the same bag as others. They are really constructive wether they’re “celebrating” some improvement or pointing out some bug. Let’s end this here.


sorry i don’t get it…
The whole point as i keep repeating is to support the project.
The whole point of good communication is that less questions are asked. Or more efficiently answered (eg liking to a FAQ answer) so you have more effective time for the “fun parts”.

Being annoyed by answering the same question time after time is understandable. But also a sign to add an FAQ :wink: Otherwise the annoyed attitude might drive folks away who like to help.

Again as example (me) … i tried to understand what was going on look for opportunity to help and improve bot now get finaly frustrated and give up since i feel like the help is not wanted.

If CoreElec will be shut down due to users asking to many questions it would be a shame.

But threatening the user base with shutting down the project from one day to the next is really questionable in my book. i always think of such a step as a last resort.

Anyway - i don’t want to invest my time into a project which might be shut down the next day because of such a thing.

I wish you all the best (and probably only come back for bug reports)

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“…if we want we can also shut down the project from one day to the next.
It is very sad.
I don’t know what happened in the past period, but there are very drastic changes.
At the beginning of this “alpha 21 DV” version, users doubted whether it was a good idea to go into a fully alpha system, because there could be many bugs in this initial phase.
But we really longed for DV. So that was very tempting.
Besides, you convinced us that this is the right direction. A trust was formed.
Now it turns out it doesn’t work. You indicated the exact opposite direction. Go back because this is too alpha.
But a concrete and precise explanation is lacking.
What, when, why is it not working well?
There are several of us who have been using it for months without any problems. At least we think so.
But now came the uncertainty.
Is it really wrong? Am I the only one who doesn’t notice? What am I not noticing? If I don’t notice, why should I backtrack? Do I really need to back off?
It is much more authentic to communicate that those who experience this and this error step back. Anyone who is not affected or does not experience this problem can continue to use it.
A precise description would be good for this alone.
Nevertheless, all my respect and thanks for your work.

This is turning into a shit show and it’s enough. If you read a few posts above you can see that the bug is related to seek in ffmpeg. That’s it. To provide a better experience we decided to backport DV to Nexus. There’s no mistery or major hidden problem. We thought it was better for our users to use it on a stable version of Kofi rather than a alpha one. We’ve been through several Kodi cycles and this seems to be particularly unstable in alpha, that’s life, that’s alpha, maybe TK is trying newer different stuff, who knows? Maybe TK has less devs available at the moment and things aren’t evolving as they would wish.
One thing I can assure everyone, this project won’t shutdown because of 2 or 3 annoying users and leave the other several thousands without support. If we have to, we can deal with those users.
So, this is a final warning to everyone, stick to bugs, doubts, support requests, etc. Another post about the project and its path in this thread and related to this last few posts will be dealt with harshly.
Sorry if someone gets caught in this but it’s zero tolerance in the next few days.


If you think the other way we actually have nothing to explain to you. It is our project and our decisions. So you can use the result of our work for free or not use it at all.

So stop with this nonsense discussion because all posts from now on will be just deleted! And maybe posts from back too.


Just a simple question, I think. If I don’t care about DV (since I have a Samsung TV), does it matter if I stay on CE21 nightlies?

I don’t understand question like this. If you are happy with CE21 Omega (and it doesn’t matter if you use DV or not) then just use it. But if you have seek issues then obviously CE20 Nexus is better solution. No one is saying you can’t use CE21 or forcing you to use CE20 :frowning:


There’s been so much thrashing, unhappiness and massive numbers of posts, that I found it confusing. I just wanted to make sure that CE21 was still okay (for my needs). Sounds like it is. CE is still the best solution for me.


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I dont have an x4 box let alone a homatics one but i follow this thread and there are clearly problems in 21 and possibly 20. Ffmpeg needs serious work so stick with whatever works ws its a very early release, which i believe they pulled anyway

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Quite amusing the reaction to a simple query asking for more information as to an announcement. I posed my question very early on the day it was announced, purely just to ascertain a course of action suitable to my setup given the flaky details provided. It could’ve been a security issue for all I knew. Obviously great that it didn’t impact my setup that I could tell.

From a native English speaker (and this isn’t being mean or picking at anyone, simply a suggestion) it may be an idea to communicate more clearly in future announcements. All that had to be said was “an issue with seeking in certain file types” or whatever the issue actually is. However yes, this is your (the developers) project and you can run it however you wish, as well as make your announcements in whichever manner you wish to. Yes I will admit - there are some incredibly stupid questions asked, simply ignore them.

Anyway, nice to be relegated to a “moaning” thread. Delightful. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It was enough.

There has been lot of work done and this thread is not really something to appreciate this.