How to configure VFD

There is no support for 12H/24H selection at this point.

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Then 24 hour clock it is. I am VERY happy to have my clock back! Thank you sooo much for the hard work you did to put all of this information together. Much appreciated.

Is there a wy to show local time instead of UTC?

UTC? It uses the system time. If your box doesn’t have the correct time, it won’t show correctly on the VFD.

Hm. Kodi shows correct time. Looks like kodi’s timezone is independent of system’s. I’ll check it

I had different timezone in kodi & system. I had no /storage/.cache/timezone file.
So I just did echo "TIMEZONE=Europe/Moscow" >> /storage/.cache/timezone and everything became OK after reboot.


I have a Alfawise S95 box, and I installed Coreelec 8.90.4 .
I have tried all the dtb’s in the memory card, but the box is allways displaying “boot”.

I installed openvfd and tried several vfd.conf files, but the display never changes,

Is there anything that I’m not doing right?


  1. You only need the regular DTB from CoreELEC SD card for your SoC, don’t use any other DTBs.
  2. If you tried a few vfd.conf files and it still isn’t working, I’ll need the DTB from the Android installation.
  3. I’ll need to know what icons the box has. (top - right to bottom - left)

Edit: I just found a disassembled image of the box, it looks like a rebadged TX3 Mini. Try the vfd.conf for the tx3 and see if it works. - scroll down.

First, Thank You! I was tired o the Word “Boot” on the display.
Second, If anyone owns a Alfawise S95, just use the TX3 Mini dtb.img and vfd.conf, it’ll work perfectly.

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Great information. Thank you!!!

Just purchased a TicTid X9T Pro (S912, 3Gb, 1Gb NIC) and it has been working well with CoreElec.

I am so impressed with this little box turning another one in to an automation server (HA / MQTT / Node Red)

Tried using tanix-tx9-pro-vfd.conf for clock display and it shows a couple of alpha numeric characters and zeros. Tried a couple of others with the same results.

CoreELEC (official): 9.0.1 (Amlogic.arm)
uname -a
Linux ICS-X9T 3.14.29 #1 SMP Wed Feb 27 00:10:49 GMT 2019 aarch64 GNU/Linux

Using DTB:

Clock display and configuration:


VFD file configuration:
# This file must be renamed to vfd.conf and placed in the /storage/.config/ folder.
# Tanix TX9 Pro configuration
# [0] 0 = &gpio, 1 = &gpio_ao.
# [1] pin number - hxxps://
# [0] Reserved - must be 0.

dmesg shows:
[ 16.288198@0] OpenVFD: Version: V1.3.0
[ 16.288216@0] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio_clk: #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x4C; #2 = 0x00;
[ 16.288222@0] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio_dat: #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x4B; #2 = 0x00;
[ 16.288243@0] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio_stb: #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x35; #2 = 0x00;
[ 16.288246@0] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio0: #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[ 16.288249@0] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio1: #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[ 16.288252@0] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio2: #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[ 16.288255@0] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio3: #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[ 16.288260@0] OpenVFD: vfd_chars: #0 = 0x04; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0x01; #3 = 0x02; #4 = 0x03;
[ 16.288266@0] OpenVFD: vfd_dot_bits: #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x01; #2 = 0x02; #3 = 0x03; #4 = 0x04; #5 = 0x05; #6 = 0x06;
[ 16.288269@0] OpenVFD: vfd_display_type: #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0x00; #3 = 0x00;
[ 16.288275@0] OpenVFD: Detected gpio chips: ao-bank, banks.
[ 16.288281@0] OpenVFD: “banks” chip found. base = 155, pin count = 101, pin = 76, offset = 231
[ 16.288283@0] OpenVFD: “banks” chip found. base = 155, pin count = 101, pin = 75, offset = 230
[ 16.288285@0] OpenVFD: “banks” chip found. base = 155, pin count = 101, pin = 53, offset = 208
[ 16.288287@0] OpenVFD: Skipping vfd_gpio0 evaluation (0xFF)
[ 16.288289@0] OpenVFD: Skipping vfd_gpio1 evaluation (0xFF)
[ 16.288292@0] OpenVFD: Skipping vfd_gpio2 evaluation (0xFF)
[ 16.288302@0] OpenVFD: Skipping vfd_gpio3 evaluation (0xFF)
[ 16.307476@6] OpenVFD: Select FD628 controller
[ 16.307525@6] OpenVFD: SPI 3-wire interface intialized (LSB mode)

Any suggestions?

Hi, is there vfd.conf for the t10 max? Here I leave the dtb, in case it helps. @TheCoolest

Try this vfd.conf and let me know if it works or not.
t10max-vfd.conf (1.2 KB)

Sorry for the late reply, please try this config and see if it looks any better.
x9t-pro-vfd.conf (1.2 KB)

It shows like this. I’m sorry for the quality.

Try changing the last line in the file from
Reboot after change to see the effect.

With the “vfd_display_type=‘0x07,0x00,0x00,0x01’`”

It shows like this.

P.D: It’s 18:34 when the photo was taken. @TheCoolest

Then change the order of the chars:
vfd_chars=‘4,0,1,2,3’ to vfd_chars=‘4,3,2,1,0’

vfd_chars=‘4,3,2,1,0’ ok. al is worKing
good. only colon dont shows .

For the colon, and other symbols, you have to find out on your own by modifying vfd_dot_bits order, e.g.
vfd_dot_bits=‘0,1,2,3,4,5,6’, and then moving the 4 (=COL) to other position

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You can run the openvfd driver in test mode to check which exact configuration your display needs, and the order of the dots/indicators (the colon is an indicator too).
Make sure to disable the OpenVFD Kodi addon first.
SSH to box, then run the following:
kill $(ps aux | grep '[O]penVFDService' | awk '{print $1}') #this command will kill the current openvfd process
Followed by
/usr/sbin/OpenVFDService -t -dt 0x01000007 &
It’ll start cycling through all supported chars, and at the end it’ll cycle through the digits and after that it’ll cycle through the sections of each digit/indicator.
Here’s an example video of how it should look like:

It’s best if you could post a video, or at least list the order of how each of the sections were lit up.

You can then reboot the box to go back to normal mode.

Works great! Thank you!!!

Is there a way to install your service on Armbian Ubuntu?

Here have turned #2 TV box with displayin to an automation server.