Hyperion.NG, Amlogic improvements

That would be the case if it would be bad both while Playing a video file and both in the menu. But as I stated before, and even posted a picture it is FINE while playing a video, it is only buggy while I’m in the menu.

Read the post more carefully. It was same error, working in video and inverted in gui.

My leds are not counter clockwise, when I stand in front of my tv, the leds starts from bottom right going to bottom left, its clockwise (from front). I haven’t ticked the option ever. I’m not native english speaker, but if I understand right, he ticked the option, and he thinks that this option is the root of the problem, but I don’t think so.

I have no idea how to compile hyperion.ng for core elec, but as I noted before this line sorted out a year ago, but can’t find anyone to complie the new version to test it:
case 32: pixelFormat = PixelFormat::PIXELFORMAT_RGB32; break;

You need to understand that this line what get changed will never be called on Amlogic!?
It call this line 50:

So it’s already RGB set…

And there are no users having this issue to, otherwise the forum would be flooded.

Munkeyballs version worked perfectly for months. I have no idea how, but it worked for a long time perfectly.
The guy you quoted before has literally the SAME problem. Others got used to it, or simple just turn off hyperion while with hyperion config addon.

@Portisch My both CE just updated Hyperion.ng to 9.2.105 and it looks like both have now the same issue where the leds are being turned on constantly even though Hyperion Control is configured to enable them only during playback. When you reboot you can see that Hyperion Control turns off leds in the Kodi menu but they turn on again one second later and they are static - they aren’t changing when you move across the menu. Also both instances have “Background Effect/Color” deactivated so that’s not it.

Reverting to 9.2.104 fixes the issue.

Can you please give some more information.
Read this issue here: https://github.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng/issues/1007

There is info how to create log files.

Thank you

I have now the same issue where the leds are being turned on constantly.
Hyperion.ng to 9.2.105. CE 9.2.5
Everything like newkind describes.
If i enable log via UI: System->Log-> Set Log-Level = Debug, there is nothing related to this Problem.
With hyperiond -d it use a wrong configuration.

CoreELEC:~ # hyperiond -d
2020-11-05T22:52:00.882 hyperiond MAIN         : <INFO> Set user data path to '/storage/.hyperion'
2020-11-05T22:52:01.206 hyperiond DAEMON       : <DEBUG> PythonInit.cpp:44:PythonInit() | Initializing Python interpreter
2020-11-05T22:52:01.760 hyperiond SETTINGSMGR  : <DEBUG> SettingsManager.cpp:107:SettingsManager() | Settings database initialized
2020-11-05T22:52:01.761 hyperiond DAEMON       : <INFO> CEC handler created
2020-11-05T22:52:01.773 hyperiond EFFECTFILES  : <INFO> 39 effects loaded from directory :/effects/
2020-11-05T22:52:01.778 hyperiond EFFECTFILES  : <INFO> 22 effect schemas loaded from directory :/effects/schema/
2020-11-05T22:52:01.779 hyperiond EFFECTFILES  : <INFO> New Effect path "/storage/.hyperion/custom-effects" created successfull
2020-11-05T22:52:01.799 hyperiond SETTINGSMGR  : <DEBUG> SettingsManager.cpp:107:SettingsManager() | Settings database initialized
2020-11-05T22:52:01.801 hyperiond BLACKBORDER  : <DEBUG> BlackBorderProcessor.cpp:64:handleSettingsUpdate() | Set mode to: default
2020-11-05T22:52:01.802 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | Blackborder detector: enabled
2020-11-05T22:52:01.824 hyperiond DAEMON       : <INFO> set screen capture device to 'amlogic'
2020-11-05T22:52:01.825 hyperiond AMLOGICGRABB : <DEBUG> Grabber.cpp:30:setVideoMode() | Set videomode to 0
2020-11-05T22:52:01.825 hyperiond FRAMEBUFFERG : <DEBUG> Grabber.cpp:30:setVideoMode() | Set videomode to 0
2020-11-05T22:52:01.825 hyperiond FRAMEBUFFERG : <INFO> Display opened with resolution: 1920x1080@32bit
2020-11-05T22:52:01.825 hyperiond AMLOGICGRABB : <DEBUG> AmlogicGrabber.cpp:31:AmlogicGrabber() | constructed(160 x 160), grabber device: /dev/amvideocap0
2020-11-05T22:52:01.826 hyperiond DAEMON       : <INFO> AMLOGIC grabber created
2020-11-05T22:52:01.826 hyperiond LEDDEVICE    : <INFO> Start LedDevice 'file'.
2020-11-05T22:52:01.827 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO    : <DEBUG> Grabber.cpp:30:setVideoMode() | Set videomode to 0
2020-11-05T22:52:01.827 hyperiond LEDDEVICE    : <DEBUG> LedDevice.cpp:147:init() | deviceConfig: [{"colorOrder":"rgb","currentLedCount":26,"hardwareLedCount":1,"latchTime":0,"output":"/dev/null","rewriteTime":0,"type":"file"}]
2020-11-05T22:52:01.827 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | Smoothing: enabled
2020-11-05T22:52:01.827 hyperiond LEDDEVICE    : <DEBUG> LedDevice.cpp:403:setLatchTime() | LatchTime updated to 0ms
2020-11-05T22:52:01.827 hyperiond LEDDEVICE    : <DEBUG> LedDevice.cpp:429:setRewriteTime() | RewriteTime updated to 0ms
2020-11-05T22:52:01.828 hyperiond LEDDEVICE    : <DEBUG> LedDeviceFile.cpp:51:open() | QIODevice::WriteOnly, /dev/null
2020-11-05T22:52:01.828 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO    : <INFO> Signal threshold set to: {12, 12, 12}
2020-11-05T22:52:01.828 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO    : <INFO> CEC detection is now disabled
2020-11-05T22:52:01.828 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO    : <INFO> Signal detection is now disabled
2020-11-05T22:52:01.829 hyperiond V4L2:AUTO    : <INFO> Signal detection area set to: 0.250000,0.250000 x 0.750000,0.750000
2020-11-05T22:52:01.829 hyperiond DAEMON       : <DEBUG> hyperiond.cpp:574:handleSettingsUpdate() | V4L2 grabber created
2020-11-05T22:52:01.830 hyperiond FLATBUFCONN  : <INFO> Connecting to Hyperion:
2020-11-05T22:52:01.829 hyperiond JSONSERVER   : <DEBUG> JsonServer.cpp:27:JsonServer() | Created instance
2020-11-05T22:52:01.830 hyperiond JSONSERVER   : <INFO> Started on port 19444
2020-11-05T22:52:01.831 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <INFO> Run effect "Rainbow swirl fast" on channel 0
2020-11-05T22:52:01.832 hyperiond FLATBUFSERVE : <INFO> Started on port 19400
2020-11-05T22:52:01.832 hyperiond PROTOSERVER  : <INFO> Started on port 19445
2020-11-05T22:52:01.833 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:32:initServer() | Initialize Webserver
2020-11-05T22:52:01.834 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:32:initServer() | Initialize Webserver
2020-11-05T22:52:01.838 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:90:handleSettingsUpdate() | Apply Webserver settings
2020-11-05T22:52:01.838 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:90:handleSettingsUpdate() | Apply Webserver settings
2020-11-05T22:52:01.839 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:108:handleSettingsUpdate() | Set document root to: :/webconfig
2020-11-05T22:52:01.839 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:108:handleSettingsUpdate() | Set document root to: :/webconfig
2020-11-05T22:52:01.840 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <INFO> Started on port 8090 name 'Hyperion Webserver'
2020-11-05T22:52:01.867 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <DEBUG> EffectEngine.cpp:183:runEffectScript() | Start the effect: name [Rainbow swirl fast], smoothCfg [2]
2020-11-05T22:52:01.868 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:159:registerInput() | Register new input 'System/EFFECT' with priority 0 as inactive
2020-11-05T22:52:01.868 hyperiond HYPERION     : <INFO> Initial foreground effect 'Rainbow swirl fast' started
2020-11-05T22:52:01.869 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <INFO> Run effect "Warm mood blobs" on channel 254
2020-11-05T22:52:01.870 hyperiond EFFECTENGINE : <DEBUG> EffectEngine.cpp:183:runEffectScript() | Start the effect: name [Warm mood blobs], smoothCfg [2]
2020-11-05T22:52:01.870 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:159:registerInput() | Register new input 'System/EFFECT' with priority 254 as inactive
2020-11-05T22:52:01.872 hyperiond HYPERION     : <INFO> Inital background effect 'Warm mood blobs' started
2020-11-05T22:52:01.873 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:159:registerInput() | Register new input 'System/GRABBER' with priority 250 as inactive
2020-11-05T22:52:01.874 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | Framegrabber: enabled
2020-11-05T22:52:01.875 hyperiond BOBLIGHT     : <DEBUG> BoblightServer.cpp:28:BoblightServer() | Instance created
2020-11-05T22:52:01.875 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | LED device: enabled
2020-11-05T22:52:01.874 hyperiond AmLogic      : <DEBUG> GrabberWrapper.cpp:48:start() | Grabber start()
2020-11-05T22:52:01.877 hyperiond AMLOGICGRABB : <INFO> FB mode
2020-11-05T22:52:01.940 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 250 is now active
2020-11-05T22:52:01.940 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:333:setCurrentTime() | Set visible priority to 0
2020-11-05T22:52:01.940 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> Hyperion.cpp:538:handlPriorityChangedLedDevice() | priority[0], previousPriority[255]
2020-11-05T22:52:01.940 hyperiond HYPERION     : <INFO> Hyperion instance 'First LED Hardware instance' has been started
2020-11-05T22:52:01.941 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> Hyperion.cpp:548:handlPriorityChangedLedDevice() | new source available -> switch LED-Device on
2020-11-05T22:52:01.976 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:174:handleSettingsUpdate() | Setup SSL certificate
2020-11-05T22:52:01.977 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <DEBUG> WebServer.cpp:190:handleSettingsUpdate() | Setup private SSL key
2020-11-05T22:52:01.977 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <INFO> Started on port 8092 name 'Hyperion Webserver'
2020-11-05T22:52:02.152 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:198:setInput() | Priority 254 is now active
2020-11-05T22:52:02.189 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:238:setInputImage() | Priority 0 is now active
2020-11-05T22:52:03.275 hyperiond WEBSOCKET    : <DEBUG> WebSocketClient.cpp:30:WebSocketClient() | New connection from ::ffff:
2020-11-05T22:52:03.275 hyperiond WEBSOCKET    : <DEBUG> JsonAPI.cpp:81:handleInstanceSwitch() | Client '::ffff:' switch to Hyperion instance 0
2020-11-05T22:52:03.888 hyperiond WEBSOCKET    : <DEBUG> JsonAPI.cpp:1032:handleLoggingCommand() | log streaming activated for client ::ffff:
2020-11-05T22:52:03.936 hyperiond WEBSOCKET    : <DEBUG> JsonAPI.cpp:1041:handleLoggingCommand() | log streaming deactivated for client  ::ffff:
2020-11-05T22:52:05.171 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:298:setCurrentTime() | Timeout clear for priority 0
2020-11-05T22:52:05.420 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:333:setCurrentTime() | Set visible priority to 250
2020-11-05T22:52:05.420 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> Hyperion.cpp:538:handlPriorityChangedLedDevice() | priority[250], previousPriority[0]
2020-11-05T22:52:23.281 hyperiond HTTPJSONRPC  : <DEBUG> JsonAPI.cpp:81:handleInstanceSwitch() | Client '::ffff:' switch to Hyperion instance 0
2020-11-05T22:52:23.630 hyperiond AMLOGICGRABB : <INFO> VPU mode
2020-11-05T22:53:26.322 hyperiond AMLOGICGRABB : <ERROR> Read of device failed: 61 - No data available
2020-11-05T22:53:26.326 hyperiond AMLOGICGRABB : <INFO> FB mode
2020-11-05T22:53:26.866 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:255:clearInput() | Removed source priority 250
2020-11-05T22:53:26.866 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> PriorityMuxer.cpp:333:setCurrentTime() | Set visible priority to 254
2020-11-05T22:53:26.866 hyperiond HYPERION     : <DEBUG> Hyperion.cpp:538:handlPriorityChangedLedDevice() | priority[254], previousPriority[250]
2020-11-05T22:53:26.867 hyperiond COMPONENTREG : <DEBUG> ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState() | Framegrabber: disabled
2020-11-05T22:53:26.910 hyperiond AmLogic      : <DEBUG> GrabberWrapper.cpp:58:stop() | Grabber stop()
Hyperion caught signal :SIGINT
2020-11-05T22:53:50.705 hyperiond DAEMON       : <DEBUG> hyperiond.cpp:180:freeObjects() | Cleaning up Hyperion before quit.
2020-11-05T22:53:50.705 hyperiond FLATBUFSERVE : <INFO> Stopped
2020-11-05T22:53:50.706 hyperiond PROTOSERVER  : <INFO> Stopped
2020-11-05T22:53:50.716 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <INFO> Stopped Hyperion Webserver
2020-11-05T22:53:50.719 hyperiond WEBSERVER    : <INFO> Stopped Hyperion Webserver
2020-11-05T22:53:50.721 hyperiond HYPERION     : <INFO> Hyperion instance 'First LED Hardware instance' has been stopped
2020-11-05T22:53:50.829 hyperiond LEDDEVICE    : <DEBUG> LedDeviceFile.cpp:77:close() | File: /dev/null
2020-11-05T22:53:50.829 hyperiond LEDDEVICE    : <INFO>  Stopped LedDevice 'file'
2020-11-05T22:53:50.833 hyperiond AmLogic      : <DEBUG> GrabberWrapper.cpp:42:~GrabberWrapper() | Close grabber: AmLogic
2020-11-05T22:53:50.834 hyperiond V4L2:auto    : <DEBUG> GrabberWrapper.cpp:42:~GrabberWrapper() | Close grabber: V4L2:auto
2020-11-05T22:53:50.834 hyperiond MAIN         : <INFO> Application closed with code 0
2020-11-05T22:53:50.835 hyperiond DAEMON       : <DEBUG> PythonInit.cpp:57:~PythonInit() | Cleaning up Python interpreter

Can you please make a screenshot for your Hyperion.ng settings in Web Interface how you disabled the LEDs in GUI, thx.

I’m using Hyperion Control for this.

As I never used this you need to tell me what I need to adjust to be able to replicate the issue

but I also think the addon needs to be update as it’s untouched for a year right now!?

today components:


i have same problem, and use the Hyperion Control to to enable play and pause because i don´t find it on web gui. Wen in pause the leds flicleres intest of stay torn of

@Paulchen-Panther repaired the addon:

Please download, install the ZIP again and then try again, thx.

same problem, new installation and in pause the leds flicleres intest of stay torn of

unfortunately unchanged

looks like this PR does fix it: https://github.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng/pull/1008
So it should be fixed in Alpha 9 what I heard is coming soon…

Tomorrow should be Hyperion 9.2.106 (Alpha 9) be online, maybe the issues are solved then.


This error is fixed with 9.2.106 :star_struck:

@andy5macht Is it already in the CE repo? I can’t see the update yet.