Inputstream.adaptive 19.0.2 release

There was a bug in the subtitles using the discoveryplus plugin ( Non working subtitles · Issue #73 · Dis90/ · GitHub ) which is fixed by a change in the inputstream.adaptive addon. The author of the addon has released a 19.0.2 version to fix it.

Could you please release the inputstream.adaptive 19.0.2 version for CoreElec 19.3-Matrix so I can watch my daily Discovery+ fix with subtitles ?

Once it is merged: [le10] kodi-binary-addons: update to latest versions by heitbaum · Pull Request #6117 · LibreELEC/ · GitHub
And than merged by CE it will be available for version 19.4.

So you will need to wait until 19.4 or 19.4_rc release or use nightly till this happen.

Thank you for your answer, I see the pull request has been merged 14 hours ago. Hopefully this new 19.0.2 version will find his way fast to 19.4!
Kind regards.

Is it possible to also release a 19.0.2 version for CoreElec 19.3 line ?
As I current do not dare to upgrade to 19.4rc2 with the problems I am reading about of boxes not booting any more. My wife would not like me very much when this should happen to us.

No, it’s available for 19.4 and up

We have 6000+ working devices in 19.4_rc2

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