Installing CE as singleboot on emmc

Hey guys,

I tried to install CE as single boot on my Minix Neo U22X-J Max. It worked flawless as dualboot installation, but migrating a dualboot to a singleboot does not work with the ceemmc tool.

any ideas what I am missing?

Unsupported since CE needs to mount some android partitions for DV to work.

sure, but on s905x it just completely bricks the box when installtointernal just worked… now you need to find some Russian android distribution, to install, to then install coreelec to eMMC. Crazy times.

ok, thanks for the info. Is it possible to vhange the size lf the CE sytem partition to use more of the max’ 64GB for the system?


You would have to remove CoreELEC from internal
Remove ugoos DCE firmware
Flash ugoos 054 single boot Android.

Then clean install CoreELEC from external media

Now CoreELEC tool ceemmc -x

See if possible

It’s a Minx U22XJ Max… I may leave it how it is. works good as dual boot.

Very good!!

Assume it was Ugoos
Should have read back in time a couple of posts

Happy Testing

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