To use IPTV in CoreELEC, in addition to the tvheadend service together with the Tvheadend HTSP Client addon, the PVR IPTV Simple Client addon can be used, and in provider services compatible with xtream the Xtream-Codes IPTV addon can be used.

I saw an archived topic which stated the above - that PVR IPTV Simple Client addon can be used, but when I install this addon from the repository it doesn’t show up in my addons, ever after rebooting. I’m guessing the version in the repo is very old. I tried building the newest version from Github, but I’m on Windows and I got stuck because of all the various software needed.

The version of CoreELEC I’m running is;

Installed it last night with no hassle. It works perfect with ng build…
My tivimate giving me headache lately so I had to come back to kodi with TV channels…
Streaming from my enigma sat tuner in bedroom…

The addon you linked is too old, needs Python 2.1.0. Have you tried with “plugin.video.xtream-codes-3.4” ?

A beginner question, how to configure “PVR IPTV Simple Client addon” to use Xxtreme-Codes login as in Tivimate?
I use Android only for Tivimate app, and would like to get rid of it if I can get my IPTV in CE

The NextPVR Live TV backend server is available in CE too and it supports XC however XC is a nuisance for updating and you will find that there ways to extract the m3u from XC login.

Ty, will try to see how it works for me with my list.

Where did you download it from? Which version?

When I install and launch TV, it says in the top right PVR manager is starting up; 0%, but nothing ever happens. Clicking options crashes kodi and reboots it.

This installs for me but fails to run. Is it because I installed CoreElec to emmc?

If you configured NextPVR as shown on the CE wiki coreelec:nextpvr [CoreELEC Wiki] using the IPTV device and everything works in the browser it should work in pvr.nextpvr. If not post support question on the NextPVR forum and attach zipped logs.

Note not all tuner can be tested in the browser requires h264/aac and CE ffmpeg isn’t fast enough so you may get audio only, but h264 IPTV should be fine. HEVC would need to be tested in pvr.nextpvr

I am not using any tuners, just m3u listing. I got it working by converting extreme-codes to m3u. Then, did not have any luck with Remote Path, but had to download (quite big) whole list, and used Local path.
Now I have my list working, but cannot get EPG to work. Don’t know how to prepare EPG for Local path use…

If you are talking about NextPVR you can script it with UpdateEPG.sh curl etc. Make sure to use the filter too many channels suck for a PVR.

No, did not try with NextPVR; got it working with “PVR IPTV Simple Client”. Is there an EPG solution for this addon?

It is build-in: you just need to provide xmltv file to it.

Yes, I figured that much, but since I cannot make it work with Remote (network) connection, only when m3u list is locally applied, did not (or could not) get “xmltv.php.xml” to download with Chrome. File to big and Chrome gives up. Finally downloaded it with Firefox, so now I think I got all sorted out.

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The advantage to TVHeadend or NextPVR is they are recording PVR’s and you just configure them up once even on a CE/LE device that you don’t use anymore for all your Kodi instances when you don’t want to bother with a Linux or Windows server. The loads can all be configure when you don’t have your CE box running.