IR WakeUP config does'nt work

Ok I go back to asking for a remote control IR button configuration problem on a S912. I performed the procedure described at How to configure IR wakeup code. From SSH extracted the command of the IR key and it is:
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup = ‘0x00000059’, decode_type = ‘0x0’, remotewakeupmask = ‘0x00000059’. I created a file with this formatting:

remotewakeup = ‘0x00000059’
decode_type = ‘0x0’
remotewakeupmask = ‘0x00000059’

I created a file with this data called:
S912.remoteconf and put in the .config folder and it didn’t work
I put the three lines in the rc_maps.cfg file and it didn’t work
I put the three lines in the remote’s custom file inside the /storage/.config/rc_keymaps folder and it didn’t work.
The strange fact is that I have two of these devices one of which is S912 and S905Xm with the same 9.2.6 release. On the S912 the poweron works but does not work in power off. On S905X at first it doesn’t work then it starts working over time both in poweron and power off until I do a complete re-installation of coreelec. There is apparently no logical sense to all of this. It just works when it pleases.

So the question is what do I need to do to make this key work?

I point out that all these problems occurred from one release to the next about a year ago. The remote is compatible with the kernel but obviously there is more that is not going as it should.


The guide you linked only applies, as stated there, to devices with bl301 injection. In your case, the S912 won’t work and the s905x needs to be running the -ng builds.

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Thank for the reply, Last day ago i’ve try a “CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-19.0-Matrix-Generic.img.gz” but i went back to 9.2.6 for installation problems with some addons.If that’s what you mean. Alternatively I can try CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-9.2-nightly_20210305-Generic.img.gz .You mean this?

In the S905x, yes.

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