I have an EVO - FORCE1 set - top box. I can use CE normally, and I can control it properly using the following RC - MAPS, including shutting it down. However, it cannot be turned on after being shut down. Is there any way to solve this problem?
Buckeye Broadband – StreamTV - Android TV Guide
dmesg below
login as: root
root@'s password:
# CoreELEC #
# https://coreelec.org #
CoreELEC (official): 21.1.1-Omega_nightly_20240913 (Amlogic-ng.arm)
Machine model: Amlogic
CoreELEC dt-id: sc2_s905x4_2g
Linux version: 4.9.269 (docker@4e897066bdce) #1 Fri Sep 13 05:45:37 IDT 2024
Kodi compiled: 2024-09-13 11:31:14 +0800
CoreELEC:~ # dmesg | paste
CoreELEC:~ #
rc-maps below
# table mbh, type: NEC
0x22dc KEY_POWER #电源
0x22ca KEY_UP #向上
0x2299 KEY_LEFT #向左
0x22c1 KEY_RIGHT #向右
0x22d2 KEY_DOWN #向下
0x2292 KEY_1
0x2293 KEY_2
0x22cc KEY_3
0x228e KEY_4
0x228f KEY_5
0x22c8 KEY_6
0x228a KEY_7
0x228d KEY_8
0x22c4 KEY_9
0x2287 KEY_0
0x22f0 KEY_DOT #M键/点号
0x22d0 KEY_BACKSPACE #删除
0x2288 KEY_HOME #主页
0x22ce KEY_ENTER #选中/确定
0x2295 KEY_ESC #返回
0x228d KEY_CONFIG #设置
0x22da KEY_STOP #电视按键区的电源键
0x2281 KEY_VOLUMEDOWN #音量-
0x2280 KEY_VOLUMEUP #音量+
0x229c KEY_MUTE #静音
0x2285 KEY_PLAYPAUSE #播放停止电视按键区的TV/AV键