Issues with suspend/resume and Flirc


Recently changed to the odroid N2plus running Coreelec from an old Chromebox running LibreElec.

On the Chromebox I added the file /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps with the content:

   <f12 mod="ctrl">XBMC.Suspend()</f12>

And Flirc was programmed to use Ctrl+F12 for power/suspend.

I was then able to suspend/resume the Chromebox with my Flirc and Harmony (MCE) remote.

Have now moved the Flirc to the N2plus, and everything works fine, except for suspend/resume. This even after adding the /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps file from above on the N2plus also!

Then I tried blacklisting meson-ir doing:
echo “blacklist meson-ir” >> /storage/.config/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

and “dmesg | grep meson-ir” is no longer outputting anything. but still no suspend/resume from remote.

Any ideas on what I am missing?

Is the file named keymaps or you put file keyboard.xml to that folder?

Enable Kodi debug log and press Ctrl-F12 (and also up/down). You should see the action in the log file.

The file is in the folder “/storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps” and is named “remote.xml”.

The guide I followed, that works on my chromeboxes with libreELEC:

What I see in /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log when pressing power-button:

type or past2021-09-05 18:12:07.420 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1d, sym: 0x0132, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0xc0
2021-09-05 18:12:07.420 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: ctrl-leftctrl (0x1f0d0) pressed, action is
2021-09-05 18:12:07.477 T:4965    DEBUG <general>: CLibInputKeyboard::ProcessKey - using delay: 250ms repeat: 33ms
2021-09-05 18:12:07.477 T:5299    DEBUG <general>: Thread Timer start, auto delete: false
2021-09-05 18:12:07.486 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x58, sym: 0x0125, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0xc0
2021-09-05 18:12:07.487 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: ctrl-f12 (0x1f09b) pressed, action is
2021-09-05 18:12:07.736 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x58, sym: 0x0125, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0xc0
2021-09-05 18:12:07.737 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: ctrl-f12 (0x1f09b) pressed, action is
2021-09-05 18:12:07.770 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x58, sym: 0x0125, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0xc0
2021-09-05 18:12:07.770 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: ctrl-long-f12 (0x101f09b) pressed, action is
2021-09-05 18:12:07.803 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x58, sym: 0x0125, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0xc0
2021-09-05 18:12:07.803 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: ctrl-long-f12 (0x101f09b) pressed, action is
2021-09-05 18:12:07.836 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x58, sym: 0x0125, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0xc0
2021-09-05 18:12:07.837 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: ctrl-long-f12 (0x101f09b) pressed, action is
2021-09-05 18:12:07.870 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x58, sym: 0x0125, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0xc0
2021-09-05 18:12:07.870 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: ctrl-long-f12 (0x101f09b) pressed, action is
2021-09-05 18:12:07.903 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x58, sym: 0x0125, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0xc0
2021-09-05 18:12:07.903 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: ctrl-long-f12 (0x101f09b) pressed, action is
2021-09-05 18:12:07.936 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x58, sym: 0x0125, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0xc0
2021-09-05 18:12:07.937 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: ctrl-long-f12 (0x101f09b) pressed, action is
2021-09-05 18:12:07.957 T:5299    DEBUG <general>: Thread Timer 3636916864 terminating
2021-09-05 18:12:07.970 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x58, sym: 0x0125, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0xc0
2021-09-05 18:12:08.036 T:4940    DEBUG <general>: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1d, sym: 0x0132, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0e code here

Bump, no response?

I am running from eMMC if that matters.

Any other way of doing suspend/resume via IR (Logitech harmony and/or FLIRC)?

Saw that in “/flash/config.ini” I have:

# IR setup
#   Setup a custom keycode to wake the N2/C4 from suspend or poweroff
#   You can stop kodi and eventlircd and use "ir-keytable -u" to obtain a compatible u-boot
#   IR keycode
#   This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.
#   decode_type can be one of the following:
#   NEC='0x0', DUOKAN='0x1', TOSHIBA='0x2', RCA='0x3', RC5='0x4', RC6A='0x5', NEC_TOSHIBA_2IN1='0x6',
#   NEC_RCA_2IN1='0x7', RCMM='0x8', NEC_RC5_2IN1='0x9', NEC_RC5_2IN1='0xa', RC6='0xb'
#   This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.
#   remote power key mask:
#   Some IR protocols implement a toggle bit, this can be ignored by the "and" mask:
#   RC5='0x37ff', RC6='0x1effff', RC6A='0xffff7fff'
#   This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.

Is that something that I might need to change, and if so, to what?

You can see

HandleKey: ctrl-leftctrl (0x1f0d0) pressed, action is

which means the action is not known.

Enable Kodi debug log, reboot and run this two commands and post the url you get.

paste /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
1 Like

Tried redoing it (after clearing “/storage/.kodi/temp/” folder):

% ssh root@
root@'s password:
#                  CoreELEC                  #
#              #

CoreELEC (official): 19.3-Matrix (Amlogic-ng.arm)
CoreELEC:~ # ce-debug
CoreELEC:~ # paste /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
CoreELEC:~ #

also noticed that the “/storage/.config/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf” is gone, maybe removed during earlier upgrade?

The remote file is still there though:

CoreELEC:~ # cat /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml
   <f12 mod="ctrl">XBMC.Suspend()</f12>
CoreELEC:~ #

ERROR : Keymapping error: no such action ‘xbmc.suspend()’ defined

Seems this action is unknown. I’m not sure what is the right one. Try with just Suspend()?

Yup, that seem to have solved the first issue!

% ssh root@
root@'s password:
#                  CoreELEC                  #
#              #

CoreELEC (official): 19.3-Matrix (Amlogic-ng.arm)
CoreELEC:~ # ce-debug
CoreELEC:~ # paste /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
CoreELEC:~ #

This is the updated file:

CoreELEC:~ # cat /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml
   <f12 mod="ctrl">Suspend()</f12>
CoreELEC:~ #

It is now going to suspend when hitting the power button on the remote!

It is however not waking up?

Any ideas on what I need to do to get it to wake up?

For resume: How to configure IR wakeup code

Tried this, but does not seem to work!

Stopped the services:

CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop kodi
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop eventlircd

● kodi.service - Kodi Media Center
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/kodi.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead) since Sun 2021-12-05 12:34:50 CST; 1min 4s ago
    Process: 4852 ExecStartPre=/usr/lib/kodi/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 4875 ExecStartPre=/usr/lib/kodi/kodi-config (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 4901 ExecStart=/usr/lib/kodi/ --standalone -fs $KODI_ARGS $KODI_DEBUG (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 5165 ExecStop=/bin/kill -TERM $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 5168 ExecStopPost=/usr/lib/kodi/kodi-safe-mode (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 4901 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Dec 05 12:34:46 CoreELEC[4925]: Exception ignored in: <generator object path at 0xccd6bd50>
Dec 05 12:34:46 CoreELEC[4925]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Dec 05 12:34:46 CoreELEC[4925]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/importlib/", line 190, in path
Dec 05 12:34:46 CoreELEC[4925]: NameError: name 'FileNotFoundError' is not defined
Dec 05 12:34:47 CoreELEC[4925]: Exception ignored in: <generator object path at 0xcb7ba778>
Dec 05 12:34:47 CoreELEC[4925]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Dec 05 12:34:47 CoreELEC[4925]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/importlib/", line 190, in path
Dec 05 12:34:47 CoreELEC[4925]: NameError: name 'FileNotFoundError' is not defined
Dec 05 12:34:50 CoreELEC systemd[1]: kodi.service: Succeeded.
Dec 05 12:34:50 CoreELEC systemd[1]: Stopped Kodi Media Center.

● eventlircd.service - Eventlirc server daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/eventlircd.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead) since Sun 2021-12-05 12:34:53 CST; 1min 22s ago
    Process: 3805 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/eventlircd -f --evmap=/etc/eventlircd.d --socket=/run/lirc/lircd (code=killed, signal=TERM)
   Main PID: 3805 (code=killed, signal=TERM)

Aug 06 09:43:08 CoreELEC systemd[1]: Started Eventlirc server daemon.
Dec 05 12:34:53 CoreELEC systemd[1]: Stopping Eventlirc server daemon...
Dec 05 12:34:53 CoreELEC systemd[1]: eventlircd.service: Succeeded.
Dec 05 12:34:53 CoreELEC systemd[1]: Stopped Eventlirc server daemon.

Got an error:

CoreELEC:~ # find / -iname ir-keytable
CoreELEC:~ # /usr/bin/ir-keytable -u
/sys/class/rc/: No such file or directory
No devices found
CoreELEC:~ #

Followed the “if you get a error”:

CoreELEC:~ # touch /storage/.config/remote.force_meson_ir
CoreELEC:~ # reboot

Stopped the services again:

CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop kodi
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop eventlircd
CoreELEC:~ # /usr/bin/ir-keytable -u
/sys/class/rc/: No such file or directory
No devices found
CoreELEC:~ #

Still getting that error!

IR receiver for waking up is used from N2 and not Flirc. And you have file /storage/.config/remote.disable. Remove it, reboot and repeat all the steps. Later create this file again to disable build-in ir receiver.

Hmm, still not waking up!

Removed the 2 files and rebooted:

CoreELEC:~ # ls -all /storage/.config/remote.disable
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Aug 27 23:01 /storage/.config/remote.disable
CoreELEC:~ # rm -rf /storage/.config/remote.disable
CoreELEC:~ # ls -all /storage/.config/remote.disable
ls: /storage/.config/remote.disable: No such file or directory
CoreELEC:~ # ls -all /storage/.config/remote.force_meson_ir
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Dec  5 12:38 /storage/.config/remote.force_meson_ir
CoreELEC:~ # rm -rf /storage/.config/remote.force_meson_ir
CoreELEC:~ # ls -all /storage/.config/remote.force_meson_ir
ls: /storage/.config/remote.force_meson_ir: No such file or directory
CoreELEC:~ # reboot

Then I stopped the services again:

CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop kodi
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop eventlircd

● kodi.service - Kodi Media Center
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/kodi.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead) since Sun 2021-12-05 13:09:55 CST; 21s ago
    Process: 4905 ExecStartPre=/usr/lib/kodi/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 4926 ExecStartPre=/usr/lib/kodi/kodi-config (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 4939 ExecStart=/usr/lib/kodi/ --standalone -fs $KODI_ARGS $KODI_DEBUG (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 5326 ExecStop=/bin/kill -TERM $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 5328 ExecStopPost=/usr/lib/kodi/kodi-safe-mode (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 4939 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Dec 05 13:09:53 CoreELEC[4962]: Exception ignored in: <generator object path at 0xcdf20040>
Dec 05 13:09:53 CoreELEC[4962]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Dec 05 13:09:53 CoreELEC[4962]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/importlib/", line 190, in path
Dec 05 13:09:53 CoreELEC[4962]: NameError: name 'FileNotFoundError' is not defined
Dec 05 13:09:53 CoreELEC[4962]: Exception ignored in: <generator object path at 0xcbaaa428>
Dec 05 13:09:53 CoreELEC[4962]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Dec 05 13:09:53 CoreELEC[4962]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/importlib/", line 190, in path
Dec 05 13:09:53 CoreELEC[4962]: NameError: name 'FileNotFoundError' is not defined
Dec 05 13:09:55 CoreELEC systemd[1]: kodi.service: Succeeded.
Dec 05 13:09:55 CoreELEC systemd[1]: Stopped Kodi Media Center.

● eventlircd.service - Eventlirc server daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/eventlircd.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: inactive (dead) since Sun 2021-12-05 13:10:00 CST; 44s ago
    Process: 3799 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/eventlircd -f --evmap=/etc/eventlircd.d --socket=/run/lirc/lircd (code=killed, signal=TERM)
   Main PID: 3799 (code=killed, signal=TERM)

Dec 05 13:08:57 CoreELEC systemd[1]: Started Eventlirc server daemon.
Dec 05 13:10:00 CoreELEC systemd[1]: Stopping Eventlirc server daemon...
Dec 05 13:10:00 CoreELEC systemd[1]: eventlircd.service: Succeeded.
Dec 05 13:10:00 CoreELEC systemd[1]: Stopped Eventlirc server daemon.

There is a python-error in the kodi-service-log, can that be ignored?

This time, I can see the code from the remote (hit it 3 times):

CoreELEC:~ # /usr/bin/ir-keytable -u
Protocols changed to irmp
Waiting for IRMP decode event. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
CoreELEC:~ # 

So, I recreated the “remote-disable” file, and created a “/storage/.config/flirc.remotewakeup” file with the directed input and rebooted:

CoreELEC:~ # cat /storage/.config/flirc.remotewakeup
CoreELEC:~ # reboot

Chose Flirc in the “IR Remote Power Code” settings, and rebooted.
But as stated, still no go! It is not waking up!

New debug-logs:

CoreELEC:~ # ce-debug
CoreELEC:~ # paste /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
CoreELEC:~ #

I can see that “/flash/config.ini” now has my values:

# IR setup
#   Setup a custom keycode to wake the N2/C4 from suspend or poweroff
#   You can stop kodi and eventlircd and use "ir-keytable -u" to obtain a compatible u-boot
#   IR keycode
#   This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.
#   decode_type can be one of the following:
#   NEC='0x0', DUOKAN='0x1', TOSHIBA='0x2', RCA='0x3', RC5='0x4', RC6A='0x5', NEC_TOSHIBA_2IN1='0x6',
#   NEC_RCA_2IN1='0x7', RCMM='0x8', NEC_RC5_2IN1='0x9', NEC_RC5_2IN1='0xa', RC6='0xb'
#   This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.
#   remote power key mask:
#   Some IR protocols implement a toggle bit, this can be ignored by the "and" mask:
#   RC5='0x37ff', RC6='0x1effff', RC6A='0xffff7fff'
#   This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.

Try to reboot once more just in case?

Tried 2 more reboots, no luck! Could it be that there is no power to the usb once in suspend?

I think someone else will have to help here.

And as I wrote for wake up build-in IR receiver is used and not the Flirc one.

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Ah! That is probably it then!
I re-added the remote.disable file!

So went ahead and removed it again, and re-ran ir-keytable, pressed the button first with the Flirc, then without it inserted, just to make sure it was seeing the code:

CoreELEC:~ # ls -all /storage/.config/remote.disable
ls: /storage/.config/remote.disable: No such file or directory
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop kodi
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop eventlircd
CoreELEC:~ # /usr/bin/ir-keytable -u
Protocols changed to irmp
Waiting for IRMP decode event. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'

Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
CoreELEC:~ #

So this confirms my IR on the N2plus is working!

Then I left the Flirc out, and used an old MCE-remote, and re-ran the power-button test:

CoreELEC:~ # ls -all /storage/.config/remote.disable
ls: /storage/.config/remote.disable: No such file or directory
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop kodi
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop eventlircd
CoreELEC:~ # /usr/bin/ir-keytable -u
Protocols changed to irmp
Waiting for IRMP decode event. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
CoreELEC:~ #

I can then see here that the wake-code is different (as assumed). Then I chose MCE in the “IR Remote Power Code” settings, and rebooted.

Then I checked “/flash/config.ini”, and it now has the same code:

# IR setup
#   Setup a custom keycode to wake the N2/C4 from suspend or poweroff
#   You can stop kodi and eventlircd and use "ir-keytable -u" to obtain a compatible u-boot
#   IR keycode
#   This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.
#   decode_type can be one of the following:
#   NEC='0x0', DUOKAN='0x1', TOSHIBA='0x2', RCA='0x3', RC5='0x4', RC6A='0x5', NEC_TOSHIBA_2IN1='0x6',
#   NEC_RCA_2IN1='0x7', RCMM='0x8', NEC_RC5_2IN1='0x9', NEC_RC5_2IN1='0xa', RC6='0xb'
#   This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.
#   remote power key mask:
#   Some IR protocols implement a toggle bit, this can be ignored by the "and" mask:
#   RC5='0x37ff', RC6='0x1effff', RC6A='0xffff7fff'
#   This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.

Removed the 2 other files (cleanup) and rebooted:

CoreELEC:~/.config # ls -all /storage/.config/ |grep Flirc
CoreELEC:~/.config #

CoreELEC:~ # ls -all /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps
total 8
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Dec  5 15:11 .
drwxr-xr-x   10 root     root          4096 Aug 15 16:38 ..
CoreELEC:~ # reboot

Suspend and wake now works with the MCE-remote!

Will leave the Flirc out of the N2plus, and re-program my harmony to the MCE remote For CoreELEC!

Thanks for all your help in troubleshooting this, and sorry for taking you down this rabbit-hole with Flirc! Should have ditched it to start with!

Coming from the chromebox with LibreELEC, the Flirc was the workaround I used there, guess it is no longer needed, at least not on the N2plus with CoreELEC!

Have a nice day!

I think wake up should work with build-in receiver even if Flirc is actually used.

But probably you are right: I also used Flirc on x86 device but not anymore on SBC board with IR receiver attached.

But anyway: Firc is really amazing device!

Well, I could not get it to work with the Flirc, maybe we missed something! Yes, it is an amazing device!

Got my Harmony to work with the MCE-device-setup, and all now works as it should!

Not so happy with the ugly plastic case on the N2plus, I like the aluminum case I use on my HomeAssistant (also N2plus) better!

Again, appreciate the help!

I hope we understand each other: Flirc device has nothing to do with the wake up process.
Wake up IR signal is received by build-in IR receiver on N2+.

Absolutely! This statement is what made me remove the Flirc to see if it would work (suspend/wakeup) without the Flic inserted, and that solved the issue for me!

Once I realized the built-in IR was required for suspend/wakeup, I was able to better solve it!

My requirement was to get suspend/wakeup to work, while using my Harmony remote. The Flirc was not a requirement, but a “good-to-have”, and is not needed to solve the requirement.

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