Ah! That is probably it then!
I re-added the remote.disable file!
So went ahead and removed it again, and re-ran ir-keytable, pressed the button first with the Flirc, then without it inserted, just to make sure it was seeing the code:
CoreELEC:~ # ls -all /storage/.config/remote.disable
ls: /storage/.config/remote.disable: No such file or directory
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop kodi
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop eventlircd
CoreELEC:~ # /usr/bin/ir-keytable -u
Protocols changed to irmp
Waiting for IRMP decode event. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x00003bfa', decode_type='0x4', remotewakeupmask='0x000037ff'
CoreELEC:~ #
So this confirms my IR on the N2plus is working!
Then I left the Flirc out, and used an old MCE-remote, and re-ran the power-button test:
CoreELEC:~ # ls -all /storage/.config/remote.disable
ls: /storage/.config/remote.disable: No such file or directory
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop kodi
CoreELEC:~ # systemctl stop eventlircd
CoreELEC:~ # /usr/bin/ir-keytable -u
Protocols changed to irmp
Waiting for IRMP decode event. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
Received IRMP code: remotewakeup='0x800f040c', decode_type='0x5', remotewakeupmask='0xffff7fff'
CoreELEC:~ #
I can then see here that the wake-code is different (as assumed). Then I chose MCE in the “IR Remote Power Code” settings, and rebooted.
Then I checked “/flash/config.ini”, and it now has the same code:
# IR setup
# Setup a custom keycode to wake the N2/C4 from suspend or poweroff
# You can stop kodi and eventlircd and use "ir-keytable -u" to obtain a compatible u-boot
# IR keycode
# This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.
# decode_type can be one of the following:
# NEC='0x0', DUOKAN='0x1', TOSHIBA='0x2', RCA='0x3', RC5='0x4', RC6A='0x5', NEC_TOSHIBA_2IN1='0x6',
# NEC_RCA_2IN1='0x7', RCMM='0x8', NEC_RC5_2IN1='0x9', NEC_RC5_2IN1='0xa', RC6='0xb'
# This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.
# remote power key mask:
# Some IR protocols implement a toggle bit, this can be ignored by the "and" mask:
# RC5='0x37ff', RC6='0x1effff', RC6A='0xffff7fff'
# This setting will require a injected bl301 blob.
Removed the 2 other files (cleanup) and rebooted:
CoreELEC:~/.config # ls -all /storage/.config/ |grep Flirc
CoreELEC:~/.config #
CoreELEC:~ # ls -all /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 5 15:11 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 Aug 15 16:38 ..
CoreELEC:~ # reboot
Suspend and wake now works with the MCE-remote!
Will leave the Flirc out of the N2plus, and re-program my harmony to the MCE remote For CoreELEC!
Thanks for all your help in troubleshooting this, and sorry for taking you down this rabbit-hole with Flirc! Should have ditched it to start with!
Coming from the chromebox with LibreELEC, the Flirc was the workaround I used there, guess it is no longer needed, at least not on the N2plus with CoreELEC!
Have a nice day!