Khadas VIM4, is it worth buying


I noticed on Amazon UK, price of this SBC has dropped from ~£204 to ~£176.99
As I am looking for a new box / device it it worth spending that much on this SBC.

Then I will need a Power supply , case and a remote. I own a MINIX NEO A2 Lite, will this work with this board!!??
Are there any boxes that you would recommend for a similar amount of money, over this SBC


If you don’t need audio pass through nor Dolby Vision the box is the fastest one I ever owned. No idea when pass thru will work but being worked on with new kernel.

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No, also not with 5.15. We guess it’s a licencing error or driver isn’t completed. We will see with S5, S928X.

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Thanks for our help.
Is there any Amlogic-ne box / board that doesn’t have these issues

Homatics boards are pretty popular around here. S905X4

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