I didn’t get the spdif out working on my new Kinhank G1. Everything else is working fine. I tried the stable corelec 21 and the nightly build 22 version. Output on kodi is on spdif. No signal at all. Somebody else with this problem? Thanks for every help.
Explain more your settings
Default skin Estuary on expert ?
Allow pass-through set in Audio
Think 2 areas you need to assign
Have Kinhank G1
Unfortunately not boot CoreELEC at the present
Yes. Skin is on expert. And yes, pass throuh is allowed and spdif set both in output and in pass-through. I tried the kodi which comes with the box and there the spdif is working. As I said everything is working fine even wifi - except the spdif output. That’s a NoGo because I am listening flac music over old (but amazing) DA converter with optical input.
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