- Code cleanup / almost complete rewrite.
- Move to CE22 with kernel 5.15.
- No need for ssh.
Set kodi to use a 3840 x 2160 gui resolution. Enable the option “Disable GUI scaling”. Reboot.
Play a DV file.
What works:
TV-led DV for anything playable as p8.1. So p8.1 content, p7 MEL content, and p7 FEL (played as MEL).
Now that it actually seems useful, though I’d upload some code
If anyone is interested / knows someone who is, I can see no reason why this work couldn’t be translated to a computer. In some ways that would be more interesting, p5 already works on pc, and I can’t see why both tv-led DV in all profiles couldn’t be added, including FEL given computers can decode two streams at once.
Lots of changes since last time, so can anyone that tests let me know how it goes.