Learning about Dolby Vision and CoreELEC development

Will this be incorporated into the CE nightly or stable build?

No clue. You would have to ask the CE team if they intend to do anything with this. @Portisch?

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dovi.ko not needed for tv-led DV to work in this build?

No dovi.ko needed. No magic black boxes, we know exactly what is happening at every step.

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And P7 FEL played as MEL, is that always true? Eg even if this is put on AM6b+, still only P7 MEL

I think that would be the case on the AM6b+ as well, I’m not using any of the Dolby stuff. Pretty sure it would just play the base layer the same as if the the dovi.ko wasn’t present on the CE-21 builds.

If the layers could be composed properly without the dovi.ko, this work could be used to embed the metadata into the tunnel though.

Can’t update on gs king-x, :frowning_with_open_mouth: ng to no not possible?

No idea. I just used a fresh install of -no and then updated.

Ok thanks will try that way.

Any DV file played Keeps crashing on the gs king-x to lg c6: https://paste.coreelec.org/SalonVogel

You are on CE22 and kodi alpha 22

Solution please?

Between your ears, or not? :slight_smile:

echo 2 > /sys/module/aml_media/parameters/dv_injection_log_level

and then a dmesg when trying to play a DV video.

As a separate test.

echo 2 > /sys/module/aml_media/parameters/dv_injection_log_level
echo N > /sys/module/aml_media/parameters/always_send_vsif

then play a DV file and post dmesg. It won’t play in DV, but let me know if you can see the metadata in the top row.

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Why be rude?!? We all learning, testing and giving feedback.

Thanks @doppingkoala will give that a go.

Hi, on both cmds when play dv file still crashes & reboot immediately after hitting play so unable to dmesg but dmesg after reboot gave this: https://paste.coreelec.org/BrowniesFarthest

Post output of entering

cat /sys/class/amcanvas/canvas_pool_map

repeatably 8 times in a row without delay. No need to have a video playing.

This is what i get on the 8th

canvas[4b],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=amlvideo2.0,        t=0,       addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[4c],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=amlvideo2.0,        t=0,       addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[4d],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=amlvideo2.0,        t=0,       addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[4e],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=amlvideo2.1,        t=0,       addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[4f],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=amlvideo2.1,        t=0,       addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[50],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=amlvideo2.1,        t=0,       addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[51],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=amlvideo2.1,        t=0,       addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[52],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=amlvideo2.1,        t=0,       addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[53],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=amlvideo2.1,        t=0,       addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[54],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=amlvideo2.1,        t=0,       addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[55],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=amlvideo2.1,        t=0,       addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[56],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=none,       t=0,    addr=00000000,     s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[57],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=none,       t=0,    addr=00000000,     s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[58],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[59],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[5a],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[5b],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[5c],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[5d],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[5e],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[5f],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[60],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[61],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[62],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[63],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[64],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[65],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[66],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[67],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[68],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[69],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[6a],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[6b],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[6c],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[6d],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[6e],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[6f],used=1,fix=1 own=display,    own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[70],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=none,       t=0,    addr=00000000,     s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
CoreELEC:~ # cat /sys/class/amcanvas/canvas_pool_map
canvas[71],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=none,       t=0,    addr=00000000,     s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[72],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=none,       t=0,    addr=00000000,     s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[73],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=none,       t=0,    addr=00000000,     s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[74],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=none,       t=0,    addr=00000000,     s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[75],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=none,       t=0,    addr=00000000,     s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[76],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=none,       t=0,    addr=00000000,     s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[77],used=0,fix=0 own=none,       own=none,       t=0,    addr=00000000,     s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[78],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[79],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[7a],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[7b],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[7c],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[7d],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[7e],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[7f],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[80],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[81],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[82],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[83],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[84],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[85],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[86],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[87],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[88],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[89],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[8a],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[8b],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[8c],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[8d],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[8e],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[8f],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[90],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[91],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[92],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[93],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[94],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[95],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0
canvas[96],used=1,fix=1 own=amvdec,     own=none,       t=4294892648,      addr=00000000,  s=0 X 0,        rap=0,  mod=0,  end=0

Ok not required?

There is still one factor/ variable that is holding me back from testing.

The board you are testing on has suffix - B

Would that not indicate there is a module in Android Vendor?
Audio codes/ drivers for Dolby Digital Audio
Suffix - B
Something in kernel for interface
A Dolby flag???

So you can bypass permissions to passthrough Audio metadata

Or be granted permission from kernel.

Have you somehow added permissions for video along with Audio metadata?

This is most interesting Thread and lots to learn

I actually meant the output of them all. The first time you enter the command it think it should start with canvas[00]. Keep re-entering the command until that comes up again, and post all the outputs.