List of Dolby Vision P7-FEL Films

I have extracted the function to check which DoVi profile it is from the existing DoVi Tools from @R3S3T_9999 (thanks for that) and edited it further.
The tool is for Windows.



  • The folder name and the .cmd file in it must not be renamed, otherwise the program may run incorrectly.
  • LOG files can be activated or deactivated. Simply execute the .cmd here to make settings.
  • Shell extension button (Check File for Dolby Vision) can be created, so you do not have to drag the .mkv to the .cmd file every time. Can be activated in the settings.

Way 1:

  • Simply drag the MKV file to the .cmd file to get an output.

Way 2:

  • Right click on the MKV file and select “Check File for Dolby Vision” to get an output. (Must be activated in the settings)