List of Dolby Vision P7-FEL Films

Did not see this one listed. Just received it today.

Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

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It is already listed

Lifeforce (1985)

Thank you, but I still don’t see it on the list from the first page.

That’s because it’s listed first under its original Italian name, C’era una volta il West

Thank you, I would have never guessed that. :grinning:

Body parts (1991). usa release is FEL

Galaxy of Terror (1981), FEL (76mbps + 8mbps)

Sick (2022) Profile 7 FEL

Pretty in Pink (1986)

Any way to get this to work on Dolby Vision Profile 10?

Nosferatu (2024).
57mbps + 6mbps (FEL)

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Uncle Buck (1989), Paddington in Peru (2024) - FEL

L.E. Jumanji - Welcome to the Jungle (2017) - FEL (amazed to find this out, as for some reason I was absolutely sure it’s MEL)

Regarding Avatar: The Way Of Water, only the CE (Collector’s Edition) has Dolby Vision, while the original UHD Bluray is HDR only.

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Are you sure this one is not MEL? My version is.

This post sort of confirms that, though I think they were just going by bitrate which is not the deciding factor.

Either way dovi_tool agrees.

  "dovi_profile": 7,
  "el_type": "MEL",

i can confirm that batman 2022 is MEL.

the first post has to be adjusted.
this is one of the many wrong titles in the list.

and the list is not up-to-date with new contributions.

@anon62335196 plz, update the first post

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Gladiator II (2024) - FEL


Finally! :heart_eyes:

do you have details about bitrates?

BL ??? mbps
EL ??? mbps

Sorry, the file I’ve got is already remuxed as a STDL mkv (with a video bitrate of ~66.5/Mbps).