Mysql access denied, fresh install coming from 9.2.8

as title states,

After updating, log states that database cannot be opened, access denied.

2024-01-18 21:15:15.230 T:3790 debug : connect replacing configured host with resolved host
2024-01-18 21:15:15.234 T:3790 info : MYSQL: Connected to version 10.11.5-MariaDB-log
2024-01-18 21:15:15.252 T:3790 error : Unable to open database: MyVideos121 [1044](Access denied for user ‘kodi’@‘%’ to database ‘MyVideos121’)

The advandesettings.xml is the same (backup). And the database is still intact as I can use KODI(also old version) on my laptop using the same copy of advancedsettings.xml
so the user name/password etc. has been checked

Is there any known issues with later versions and mariaDB? I have tried setting up completely fresh database as well, with samme errors in the log.

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