Nightly builds (NEW)

My apologies.
I’m running on Odroid N2, using SD Card.
I pulled a backup days ago, so i’m not afraid of clean install + restore, but struck me as odd that it did the update by itself

So I dug out the vim3l. bluetooth seems to be working ok with a fresh install of 9.2.2 for me.

So trying to recreate your issue.

How is CE installed on your vim3l, USB, SD, emmc?

edit: the 9.2.2 release files got updated from the original release. try downloading update tar and doing a manual update, and see if that makes any difference for you.

So, i flashed the Odroid N2 with CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-9.2-nightly_20200413-Odroid_N2.img.
Boots fine, get to the initial screen to set hostname, network and so on. I get the notice there is an update (weird… i thought i was flashing latest image), and starts a boot loop again. Doesn’t let me do much after that. Wonder if anyone else is experiencing this.

I manually updated to CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-9.2-nightly_20200413 on a X96max and it did an update to 9.2.2 would have thought the nightly was a later build.

So that is where it wants to go!
I reformatted and reflashed the SD Card. It booted fine this time, and wanted me to upgrade. I told it to not update and restored a backup. Everything went OK, watched 2 shows.

Now, i know where it wants to go. I will let it upgrade and see what happens. Thanks for the comment @billv

Thanks. CE is installed on the emmc because I bought it as the HTPC kit with pre-installed CE.
Anyway, your “edit” did the trick! I downloaded the tar and did a manual update and now BT is working straight on boot-up, great!
However, I have another issue. My automatic BT/HDMI sound switcher is not working anymore.
For this I have 2 files in the \Configfiles\udev.rules.d folder:


ACTION=="add|remove", SUBSYSTEM=="bluetooth", RUN+="/bin/sh /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/"

sleep 5; pactl info | grep "a2dp_sink" && device="PULSE:Default"
curl -v -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Settings.SetSettingValue", "params":{"setting":"audiooutput.audiodevice","value":"'"$device"'"},"id":1}' http://localhost:8080/jsonrpc

It appears that this script is not executed anymore. Because when I execute it manually, it switches the audio. Did something change at the rule processing or something?
This automatich sound switcher was working fine on nightly 20200330.

When I ssh into the box, and use

udevadm monitor

it is showing the events when activating / deactivaing my bluetooth headphones:

KERNEL[2334.422482] add      /devices/platform/ffd24000.serial/tty/ttyS1/hci0/hci0:11 (bluetooth)
KERNEL[2336.526458] add      /devices/virtual/input/input10 (input)
KERNEL[2336.527506] add      /devices/virtual/input/input10/event7 (input)
UDEV  [2336.530546] add      /devices/virtual/input/input10 (input)
UDEV  [2336.600553] add      /devices/virtual/input/input10/event7 (input)
KERNEL[2345.804350] remove   /devices/virtual/input/input10/event7 (input)
UDEV  [2345.806025] remove   /devices/virtual/input/input10/event7 (input)
KERNEL[2345.845301] remove   /devices/virtual/input/input10 (input)
UDEV  [2345.845812] remove   /devices/virtual/input/input10 (input)
KERNEL[2346.240286] remove   /devices/platform/ffd24000.serial/tty/ttyS1/hci0/hci0:11 (bluetooth)

So, that part is still working. Digging deeper…

Edit 2:
Added some logging in that shell script, and it looks like that script/rules are not (always) executed for some reason. Downgraded to nightly 20200330 again, and there it works all the time flawlessly.
Any idea’s? Thanks!

Well… woke up to another boot loop. I suspect hardware issues. I did a flash on stable 9.2.2 and still got a boot loop. Checking SD card now

EDIT: Hardware is not the issue. 0413 is running just fine. Disabled updates and traffic to internet on my router for coreelec. All is running just fine.

EDIT2 20200415: Applied solution of not using lower USB ports. All is working fine now. v9.2.2 up and running

My H96 X905X2 updated to the new 9.2.2, happy with that.
Boot logo was the same red one.
I did a forced update putting 9.2.2 into update folder and rebooted.
Now I have the nice Blue and Red boot logo.
Im guessing the nightly update is just slightly different than the release?
Not a prob for me though as I will stick to the new release, thanks to the team for the effort :slight_smile:

Hm. This might be the issue I’m experiencing. Nice work!
I’ll be using my old headphones for now, 'til it’s fixed.

Those days coreelec updated automatically from nightly to stable 9.2.2, now I put manually the 0415 nightly and it’s trying to update to stable again.

What are the correct update settings to only notify nightlies updates?

Already answered here:


After update to last nightly my X96air dont boot up!

How i do a rollback?
Cant acess via SSH or \ to dir update.
I can only acess SD

Thanks, I don’t visit the N2 section.

So seems normal behaviour…

@cdu13a Do I need to put this in the new 9.2.2 thread? It looks like all the attention moved from here to there :slight_smile:

You can download a .tar file of the build you want, extract Ando copy kernel and system to the SD overwriting the existing ones

I know it’s been crazy this week with the surge of posts todo with the new release. I’ll take a look at your issue a bit later today.

Already do that but didn’t work.
Never mind i do clean install.

Change hdmi to surround71 as this is default now.

I can’t see the connection to the fact that automatic switching to Bluetooth audio is not working anymore as well. But never mind, I’ll stick to nightly 20200330, it’s doing everything I need.
Maybe in the future, other will experience the same problem, and then it might get some more attentions from the devs.

Yeah that’s fine just don’t provide any useful feedback and expect us to fix it when more people complain, very clever idea that.

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