Nightly builds

What automatic downloading? All automated downloads only offer 9.0.0 - 9.0.3 - or am I missing something?

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You are in the nightly topic. :slight_smile:

At a guess, I would say that HeresJohnny might not have the updates channel set for nightlies, or that when it is set and you choose to see the latest updates, you appear to get the stable builds listed.

Exactly! So those versions shown are not the versions downloaded automatically? I seem to remember that this happened to someone in this very thread… CE notifying that an update was available and then installing stable instead of nightly.

If I boot my box after there is a new update available, then I get the prompt to download it, which does download the latest nightly.

Same here.
If I set up my Box with a nightly it always notifies of a new nightly.
If I set one up with a release it notifies me of a release.

Currently using nightlies :grinning:

I have received version 810 update. and getting closer to perfect. on my GT K, everything is normal and smoother now. cool.

The EPG and INFO keys have stopped working.
Mecool remote control.

Major change in tonight and tomorrow’s nightly releases.

ODROID-C2 and N2 will gain extra 128MB usable RAM
VIM3/GT-King and S905X2 devices will gain extra 496MB usable RAM

VIM3 can benefit from an additional 128MB on top of the already extra 496MB but this requires flashing our custom bootloader which is not part of our builds yet.

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Can you do an upgrade to a nightly build from 9.03 or does it take a fresh install

Think i have the same problem as @compent stated. Ive added the custom nightly channel shown but all i see when doing a manual update on my n2 is 9.0.3.

Ive just dowloaded and copied it over to the n2 and it upgraded successfully, but it would be fantastic if i could do it directly from the coreelec UI.

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It’s a drop in update.

You might get away with it but if you have a lot of addons there is a high probability it will fail as an update. If it does a fresh install will be necessary with all the addons reinstalled manually.


I see that same behaviour. But sometimes the prompt doesnt always work. Sometimes the prompt downloads and sometimes it silently fails and then it wont prompt again even if you reboot a second time.

my internal BT adapter stopped being detected in Nightly builds. Works fine in regular builds.

No info, no logs - no problem.

hi mates, my wifi adapter has lost the scan capability, it had been connected yesterday some minutes but by some operation made on the box it lost the connection and now doesnt show and no scan the wireless networks, here the log, my box is a N5 Max. thank you!!

17 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bl301 injection, problems, help,

BT working again after tonight’s update! Thanks all!