Nightly builds

Ok thanks, last night I updated to 09/14 on sd card and today it’s gone into safe mode again (no addons or anything was installed) I have no use for Android or dual boot at all I only need coreelec and it’s on 24/7 so wake and suspend isn’t needed either.
so it’s useable again I’ll go back to 09/01 on internal for now and hold off any updates untill emmc is back on a newer build
If I keep an eye on the nightly changelog will installtoemmc be listed as a change when it’s reintroduced?

We can’t help without seeing any Kodi logs.

The reason of Kodi safe mode after update is usually addons…
As TheCoolest said we need a kodi log to find the reason if it’s some default addon or not…

Is it necessary that the CoreElec is updated every day?
It was expected that between so many updates crashed the system
…also we cannot even deactivate the updates. :sweat_smile:

When you choose to use nightly you choose the daily update too.
Read the WARNING! section on the top of the nightly page:

No one encourages anyone to run Nightlies. Run a stable release. If you are running one of the newer SBC then there is a stable just around the corner.


yes. i understand.
It’s not about that … I mean that every day you start Coreelec you have to update it.
it is not a reproach, just and observation .-

The clue is in the name “nightlies”


Only on nightlies, on stable version there is no notification :wink:


WinSCP–>update to 9.2.0 (Stable)
no more updates :slight_smile:

‘Nightlies’ usually mean they’re built every day. Nothing more.
I’ve used them mainly because my mce receivers don’t work on 9.0.3.
What would make more sense to me if you must have forced updates would be an option to be either on nightly or one behind - that way the more adventurous could test the very latest builds and a failed update would cause less disruption.

The philosophy is to capture issues and address them as and when they happen. If you run a nightlie that is weeks old (as many do) and then you encounter a problem - the developers have moved on and undoubtedly don’t even have a copy of the problem nightlie.
You run nightlies not for yourself but for the developers. Thats the deal.


So you didn’t bother reading what I wrote at all?
Because that’s nothing to do with it.

There is already an easy way to stay one (or more) behind and that is to say no to the prompt to download the latest nightly.

I was explaining why it is done the way it is and why all nightlies are pushed to all nightlie users.
There are Stable builds and there are nightlies - thats the choice and I cannot see it changing because it generally works.

I was trapped in the 0911 mistake - but I also helped to solve it for everyone.


You think I don’t know the reasoning behind it? Really?
Let’s just leave it. I made what I think is a sensible suggestion that would make life easier for users and the team. If you want to discuss that then great.

We don’t, we’ve discussed it in length already.

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Bluetooth issue introduced in 0915

R-TV BOX S10 S912 (Fn-Link 8223A-SR)

Bluetooth shown as being disabled, despite being enabled in services. Turning off and on didn’t resolve the problem.

WiFi element is OK.

Reverted back to 0914 and BT working.


udevadm info


udevadm info

@Compent this may be related to a change I made here.

Will look into it when I get a chance but I’m away on holiday tomorrow for a week.

Thanks and have a good holiday.