No Internet - need help!

I have 2 connections enabled and ready:

  1. eth0 manual to a NAS via crossover cable [SMB CE client points to NAS NIC manual IP address]. NAS does not share WAN access through this NIC, only access to the shared files. SMB works well.

  2. wlan0 dhcp to router. Router assigns IP.

My issue is when I try to update the media library, it says tmdb cannot be accessed, not connected to internet.

How can I access my media from eth0, and access the internet from wlan0?

Thank you.

I think you need to set correct gateway for both maybe?

In SSH terminal

cp /etc/connman/main.conf /storage/.config/connman_main.conf
nano /storage/.config/connman_main.conf

and change line with PreferredTechnologies to

PreferredTechnologies = wifi,ethernet,cellular

or just

cp /etc/connman/main.conf /storage/.config/connman_main.conf
sed "s|^PreferredTechnologies = .*|PreferredTechnologies = wifi,ethernet,cellular|" /storage/.config/connman_main.conf

and reboot. Wifi will then be routed to internet routed connection.

Thank you @vpeter, I changed the order in SSH as you suggested, and it now works. The order of connections in CE settings changed, now with wlan0 listed first, then eth0 second.

Now, my library is accessed via eth0 as an SMB share pointing to \IP Address of Nas NIC\Share. Internet is also working now, too (weather, updates, metadata, etc).

Is this perhaps a bug? Meaning, If eth0 is not accessing the internet, then attempt access with any of the other connections ready, such as wlan0.

Is this something that can be requested as a new feature / bug?
Thanks again.

It is not a bug: everything is ok.