ODROID-N2 CoreELEC Edition!

The coloured dots on the emmc modules correspond to which os is pre installed on the module. So doesn’t really matter which one if you are planning on installing a different os on them.

The USB 3.0 eMMC Module Writer is a handy tool to get as well since it allows you to easily change the os on the emmc or backup the complete contents of the emmc from your computer. It’s not essential, but well worth having one.

As to which size of emmc to get, I’ve been quite happy with using the 16gb and 32gb modules. The price difference between the 16gb and the 8gb is so small that it’s probably not worth considering the 8gb emmc. Which is as you guessed a bit slower in real world use.

The official hardkernel Bluetooth module is a csr 4.0, so you should have good luck with any other csr 4.0 usb module.

Thanks for the info! I placed the order on ameridroid earlier, but I noticed no taxes included in the final price. Does anyone know if I’ll get hit by big import duties when it gets here? I live in Canada and the import duties is the reason I try to avoid buying anything from the USA. Has anyone from Canada ordered from ameridroid and can give me some idea of how much I will get charged? Thanks in advance.

According to this duty calculator it’s probably around 5%

Just got mine, and holy smokes it’s fast, even with the included SD card. Got a much faster Samsung EVO+ card on the way. Makes my Pi 3B seem like a sluggish fossil in comparison. Love the IR on/off and that glorious Atmos passthrough. Great product, and coreelec is fantastic on it.


I’m in Canada as well. My experience with orders from ameridroid is that out of 4 orders I’ve gotten a bill for the taxes twice. It should be GST only so 5% and if shipped with fedex, fedex also has a $10 fee for collecting the tax.

Is there anyone from Europe who has asked ameridroid ?, is to know the total fees and taxes that would have to pay. In my case, the loss is to Spain. With odroid.uk, the rate goes up to a total of € 120 …

For Spain, you’ll have to pay VAT + 20€ for customs fees…

With odroid.co.uk to Spain there should be no fees.

EU to EU trade is exempt from these kinds of charges.

He was asking about Ameridroid.

It would be 61€ + 15€ shipping + 21% VAT + 20€ of customs fees = 110€
Still cheaper than Odroid UK.

For Spain, the cheaper option is the pack with case and power suply from Antratek for 98€, if you don’t care about the SD and the CoreELEC sticker.

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cdu13a, thanks for pointing that out about the 16gb eMMC. I didn’t realize it was only $2 more. Ameridroid was willing to let me change from 8 to 16gb and pay the difference.

Thanks for the replies everyone. If it’s only 5% that would be fine, but I’ve been burned by duty fees before. Years ago I ordered some network cables from a company in the US and it cost a bit under $50 total. Then when UPS showed up with the package they demanded another $22 for “brokerage fees”, which I thought was ridiculous having to pay a hidden fee that was almost 50% of the original purchase price.

Anyway, I ordered my N2 using Globegistics eCom Packet as the courier. Never heard of this company before, but I think they’re part of USPS. If they try to charge me some ridiculous fee (more than 5-7%) I’m just going to refuse delivery and have them return it to sender.

Thanks for your reply.
Don’t really need to pay more for the 4GB version in Coreelec, is that correct?

The problem I had with odroid.uk is that when placing my order a cost was calculated with my address to Spain. But then I received an email from the page where they explained to me that my registration was for orders within the UK (odd thing, since I put my address and data from Spain) and they asked me almost 20 euros more for taxes within the UK, for I decided to cancel my order.

Thats what was posted above, someone said it may be helpful if you run android. I went 4gb just because I would rather spend the $10 now then regret it down the road. But probably won’t need it.

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I’ve some C2 and Xu4 emmc spare, could one of those work on N2?

C2 eMMC is compatible.

Cool! Thank you :+1:

Ameridroid starting to ship!

Any information about companies that ship Coreelec edition through EU (not just Germany/Austria) and does not take x2 costs that HK does?

Yes. Ameridroid has shipped my package too. Will update upon receiving the same.