Odroid N2 OLED I2C / SPI driver

Try changing BUSNUMBER from 2 to 1

Thank you very much, I fixed it to 3 (in Khadas Vim3, the i2c port number is 3). I replaced it in the file oled.py in two lines of code “SMBusWrapper(2) to SMBusWrapper(3)”

        for i in range(0, len(buffer), 16):
            with SMBusWrapper(3) as bus:
                bus.write_i2c_block_data(self._i2c, 0x40, buffer[i:i+16])

After that everything worked.
Very thanks!!!
Do you have plans to support 256x128 indicators?

No, I don’t have that size of display to write code for or test.

Yep, that should really be

with SMBusWrapper(BUSNUMBER) as bus:

then it only needs to be set once at the top of the code. I must of missed it.

Thanks fos answers.

I updated to CoreELEC 20 (Nexus) today.
To get this addon working on Nexus i needed to change two lines in spi.py:
line 390 and 437
data = array.array(‘B’, data).tostring()
data = array.array(‘B’, data).tobytes()

i think this could be the reason we have to change the conversion method:

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Thank you very much for your information.
I updated to Nexus and was really sad the display was not working anymore.

Hi, Does anyone know if this also applies to coreelec omega? I tried it on omega and it didn’t work. Can someone look at it, see if it works, or make a repair? Thank

Where is any log?

I apologize, but I don’t own that box, I had to go to it and make a log. I am sending a log. hastebin

No, the addon is based on Python 2, Omega has moved on to Python 3 now so it will need some changes to get it working.

data = array.array(‘B’, data).tobytes()

this ‘B’ is around apostrophe and not backtick.

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yes, that was a mistake it’s working thanks

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