Password entered did not match - NETFLIX addon

I can’t seem to use the Netflix on coreelec now even after using the authentication key. I enter the pin and on the next screen it asks for my Netflix password, I enter the correct details and it shows PASSWORD ENTERED did not match

Maybe try uninstall / reboot / reinstall / re-authenticate and see if that fixes the issue?

Can you login with same email/password with any browser on a Windows PC?
Do you use any special characters in your password?

Yes, I can log in with the same email & password on a normal browser but not on Coreelec’s addon.

This is not a CoreELEC issue, it’s an add-on issue which will be fixed in the future.

You are pointing to a thread more than a year old. Since then it was resolved with new addon updates. There are no new reports with this problem…

The issue with the addon is not resolved, it is still open and basically the final comment is referring users with this issue to a workaround – which is using the authentication key method. See GitHub - CastagnaIT/ InputStream based Netflix plugin for Kodi for tips on how to use the authentication key method.

Apparently the issue is in some regions the email/password authentication requires a captcha which is not handled by the addon, you can see more about that at:

Indeed, the link is older but the problem is current again, 2 weeks of not working user / password login. Not fixed, there is a new request to log in with user/passw:

This issue is an add-on issue, not CoreELEC or Kodi.

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