Proper DD command for install?

Firstly, I should say that I didn’t see any basic install instructions on this whole web site. Did I just miss them? (I found install instructions, but only over on the LibreELEC forum web site. Seems like it would be Good to make a copy of those here on this site, with a BOLD link to those instructions from the top of this site’s home page.)

More importantly, I just wanted to ask what a proper sort of dd command would be for copying a .img file to an SD card, assuming that the person doing it does not wish to use Rufus, which, as far as I know, is just a Windoze kind of thing. (I don’t use Windoze if I can avoid it.)

Specifically, if using dd to copy the .img file, what block size should be used? Is any conv= option needed? Any other options that should be used?

dd if=<image name> of=</dev/path/of/card> bs=1M conv=fsync

is what you are looking for.

it’s also good to run sync after the write as well.

Be very careful that you select the right device, it’s a good idea to use the /dev/disk/by-id entry for your card reader then directly specifying the device. (You know just in case you added a drive to your system, or made a typo entering the device name, you don’t end up wiping out something important.)


Thank you. That was exactly what I was looking for.

The best tool is the Libreelec SD card burner program which runs in Linux Can be downloaded over at the libreelec site. No need for dd

dd worked just fine for me. Why would I go to all of the trouble to go and fetch a special tool when dd is already present and standardized on every *NIX system produced in the last 30+ years?

Its personal choice of course, but once I downloaded the app it sits on my desktop ready for use and has done so for the last two years. Never caused me any trouble. Far less risk of data corruption with the standard Libreelec tool.


The proper and recommended methods of installation / upgrade are readily available and easy to find in the HowTo category here and here. Other methods may be available, but not supported. :wink: