Noob here, so… Loaded CoreElec on thumb drive and install on 1st boot successful, but Reboot to eMMC/NAND is not available on the power options menu. Reviewed the /addons/skin.estuary/xml/DialogButtonMenu.xml file using ssh and the appropriate lines of code exist, but the option to reboot from eMMC/NAND does not present. I have not loaded an alternate skin. I installed the nightly build -
[CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-21.1.1-Omega_nightly_20241206-Generic.img.gz224.30MB2024-12-06 05:27:16] on my DUNE HD Premier 4K Pro.
There is another interesting issue where the internal SSD goes unrecognized as soon as I boot to coreelec from the thumbdrive and it has to be reformatted for the Dune Box to recognize it.
Should I try the stable build to see if this gets fixed?