Report about Amlogic S905X4 HK1 RBOX X4

DTS report partitions: 5 partitions in the DTB:
ID| name            |            size|(   human)| masks
 0: boot_a                    4000000 (  64.00M)      1
 1: vbmeta_a                   200000 (   2.00M)      1
 2: vbmeta_system_a            200000 (   2.00M)      1
 3: system                   41e00000 (   1.03G)      2
 4: data                              (AUTOFILL)      4
EPT report: 9 partitions in the table:
ID| name            |          offset|(   human)|            size|(   human)| masks
 0: bootloader                      0 (   0.00B)           400000 (   4.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                 2000000 (  32.00M)
 1: reserved                  2400000 (  36.00M)          4000000 (  64.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 2: cache                     6c00000 ( 108.00M)                0 (   0.00B)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 3: env                       7400000 ( 116.00M)           800000 (   8.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 4: boot_a                    8400000 ( 132.00M)          4000000 (  64.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 5: vbmeta_a                  cc00000 ( 204.00M)           200000 (   2.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 6: vbmeta_system_a           d600000 ( 214.00M)           200000 (   2.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 7: system                    e000000 ( 224.00M)         41e00000 (   1.03G)      2
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 8: data                     50600000 (   1.26G)        6f7600000 (  27.87G)      4
EmuELEC:~ # df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs                  1.8G      4.0K      1.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs                   752.4M     14.5M    737.9M   2% /run
/dev/system               1.0G      1.0G      3.0M 100% /flash
/dev/loop0                1.0G      1.0G         0 100% /
/dev/data                27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /storage
tmpfs                     1.8G         0      1.8G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                     1.8G      3.0M      1.8G   0% /var
tmpfs                     1.8G         0      1.8G   0% /tmp
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/assets
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/database
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/cores
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/overlays
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/joypads
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/shaders
ports                    27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /storage/roms/ports_scripts
EmuELEC:~ # dtname

After spending almost a month writing almost 9K lines of codes, effectively implemented my own DTB editor from ground up and wrote a whole damn mini-language interpreter and an all-partition migrator, I could finnaly say installation to internal on S905X4 is possible and it works. But I’m too tired to write any documentation or wrapper script now :face_exhaling: