Report about Amlogic S905X4 HK1 RBOX X4

If you search Amazon for Wireless Remote Control Outlet you’ll find lots of them.

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Yes, shouldnt be hard. I really like these…

I use TP Link products
Smart switch
Smart receptacle

Controlled from phone app

Software is excellent and support as well

Happy Testing


Can use Tuya or ewelink smart socket.

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Pulled out the extention cord, only to notice it has absolutely nothing printed on it. No idea which brand this is, sorry

DTS report partitions: 5 partitions in the DTB:
ID| name            |            size|(   human)| masks
 0: boot_a                    4000000 (  64.00M)      1
 1: vbmeta_a                   200000 (   2.00M)      1
 2: vbmeta_system_a            200000 (   2.00M)      1
 3: system                   41e00000 (   1.03G)      2
 4: data                              (AUTOFILL)      4
EPT report: 9 partitions in the table:
ID| name            |          offset|(   human)|            size|(   human)| masks
 0: bootloader                      0 (   0.00B)           400000 (   4.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                 2000000 (  32.00M)
 1: reserved                  2400000 (  36.00M)          4000000 (  64.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 2: cache                     6c00000 ( 108.00M)                0 (   0.00B)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 3: env                       7400000 ( 116.00M)           800000 (   8.00M)      0
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 4: boot_a                    8400000 ( 132.00M)          4000000 (  64.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 5: vbmeta_a                  cc00000 ( 204.00M)           200000 (   2.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 6: vbmeta_system_a           d600000 ( 214.00M)           200000 (   2.00M)      1
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 7: system                    e000000 ( 224.00M)         41e00000 (   1.03G)      2
    (GAP)                                                  800000 (   8.00M)
 8: data                     50600000 (   1.26G)        6f7600000 (  27.87G)      4
EmuELEC:~ # df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs                  1.8G      4.0K      1.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs                   752.4M     14.5M    737.9M   2% /run
/dev/system               1.0G      1.0G      3.0M 100% /flash
/dev/loop0                1.0G      1.0G         0 100% /
/dev/data                27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /storage
tmpfs                     1.8G         0      1.8G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                     1.8G      3.0M      1.8G   0% /var
tmpfs                     1.8G         0      1.8G   0% /tmp
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/assets
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/database
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/cores
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/overlays
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/joypads
none                     27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /tmp/shaders
ports                    27.3G    437.4M     26.8G   2% /storage/roms/ports_scripts
EmuELEC:~ # dtname

After spending almost a month writing almost 9K lines of codes, effectively implemented my own DTB editor from ground up and wrote a whole damn mini-language interpreter and an all-partition migrator, I could finnaly say installation to internal on S905X4 is possible and it works. But I’m too tired to write any documentation or wrapper script now :face_exhaling:


great thanks for your work

also got JL2101,
how to apply the patch?

About the JL2101 chip on S905X4 devices:
We do not have such “generic” cheap hardware in our inner dev circle, so if someone feel able to test our first public Amlogic-ne (Amlogic - New Era) image we can test the driver implementation.

There are generic SC2 dtbs included, but not tested so it maybe does not boot at all.
Please us only a spare boot media and do not try to upgrade from Amlogic-ng!!

The procedure for Amlogic-ne is same as for Amlogic-ng, so just burn the image to µSD or USB, place dtb.img and hope it’s booting. If booting please check if this ethernet chip is now supported and working with gigabit. If yes or also if not please run dmesg | paste and post the result debug log URL.


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Thank you @Portisch
Starting to test it.
there is a way to run dmesg from the UI and copy it from the usb?
with no network can’t connect with ssh.

tested few dtb file
s4_s905y4_4g.dtb - not booting
sc2_s905x4_4g.dtb - not booting
sc2_s905x4_4g_1gbit.dtb - no wifi, no LAN
sc2_s905x4_ugoos_x4.dtb - no WIFI, LAN active and got ip 169…

Run again your Amlogic-ng 4.9 boot media and post the result of:
udevadm info /sys/bus/sdio/devices/* | paste
Doesn’t matter if CE-19 or CE-20.

We need to check if the Wifi driver is included or not. when Wifi is starting to work you can also SSH and make logs for better debugging Amlogic-ne.


As I thought, the driver is not yet included in Amlogic-ne. Will check it later this day.

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Ok, the already included driver should support now all Broadcom chips.
So maybe WiFi is now working and it should be possible to make a dmesg | paste.


no Wifi with the new image.
I got a USB ethernet module, will try it later…

Than you will need to make a dmesg from Android to see what driver they use for 5.4 kernel.

I get confirmation we are using the correct WiFi driver. So without a log it will be magic to find the reason. Maybe just the firmware is missing. But we maybe got a general issue with Ethernet on SC2 with last changes so I will need to check it again tomorrow.

my usb-ethernet is not working.
there is a way to get terminal? ( can’t connect with ssh)
so i will dump the dmesg to the SD card

also, trying to connect with usb to get adb , but nothing works. (to Android 11)

I found the reason why ethernet wasn’t working at all on SC2 platform. So here is a new image, maybe eth or WiFi is starting working right now. If still nothing from both please make a dmesg | paste with 4.9 kernel to maybe be able to fix the WiFi on 5.4.


@Portisch Sorry, nothing change.
try sc2_s905x4_4g_1gbit.dtb and sc2_s905x4_ugoos_x4.dtb

dmesg from kernel 4.9:

but USB-ethernet works!
from kernal 5.4