RTL8821CU support?

Would it be possible to add the module to support this network card? It’s dirty cheap and quite popular. Support for the RTL8822CU was recently added, it shouldn’t differ too much.
It would be nice to implement them all from here

I forgot to mention that I had an S905W box with version 9.2 installed and the module was present and working without problems but I don’t remember if it was a custom or standard image.
Unfortunately the box melted down and I replaced it with an S905W2 and none of the NE images have the correct module.


The RTL88** has not worked right since the 9.X releases IMHO. I wish you the best of luck, and if you do find a solution please drop a note back here.

This RTW88 driver will be included with new kernel 5.15. But there is no GXL support anymore…
This driver does require minimum 5.4 kernel, so there is no solution for GXL anyway as it would require kernel 4.9.

S905W2 is SoC S4 and should be compatible with 5.15 kernel.

Great. I’ll wait for the next release for S905W2 with RTW88 support. Thank you.

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