Slow Channel Zapping

Hi all,

I have an N2 with CE 19.4 and TvH Client. TvH Server is in a Docker on my QNAP NAS.

I have setup TvH to access HDHR via IPTV and have tried the following methods to connect with HDHR.

#EXTINF:74,74: 7mateHD Sydney

#EXTINF:74,74: 7mateHD Sydney
pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -re -i -c copy -f mpegts -tune zerolatency pipe:1

Channel Zapping time is 10-11 seconds with the pipe method being the worse.

Have asked on the TvH forum and got a response stating others have seen the N2 having long zapping times but no problems on RPi3.

This is probably not a CE issue, but asking in case others have come across this and found a solution.


I had this problem with IPTV

No ideas anyone?


Without logs only crystal ball could help.
Check that you don’t have modified buffer settings in advancedsettings.xml

This is advancedsettings.xml:


Will get you a debug log later today.

try to remove cache part for test…

Here is the debug link with the cache section removed from advancedsettings.xml. Still the long start up of around 10 - 11 seconds.

Played FTA Channel 9Go! at 10.27am

Thanks for you input.

I think you have exactly the same problem as I had, I bet it would work for you on the Leia version …

Just run up Leia LE on a VM and still the long zapping times. So I don’t think it’s a Matrix only thing.

You can try to disable plex addon for test…
Only plex is mentioned on this 10 sec delay.
If not then don’t see any other reason. May be something on server side

Disabled PlexKodiConnect and still the large delay.

Took a look on the NAS where TvH Server is running and it looks like the spawning of ffmpeg is what is causing the delay.

Loglevel debug: enabled
2022-03-21 08:36:02.381 mpegts: test.m3u - 55,GOLD in Test - tuning on IPTV #1
2022-03-21 08:36:02.386 spawn: Executing "/usr/bin/ffmpeg"
2022-03-21 08:36:02.425 subscription: 001B: " [ | Kodi Media Center ]" subscribing on channel "WIN GOLD NSW", weight: 100, adapter: "IPTV #1", network: "Test", mux: "test.m3u - 55,GOLD", provider: "FFmpeg", service: "Service01", profile="htsp", hostname="", username="", client="Kodi Media Center"

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