Snapcast server

Hi !
x96Max (s905x2), coreelec 21.1.1.
I carefully studied the forum, but did not find a guide on using snapcast server.

I want the music that plays on coreelec to be broadcast to a client in the next room via snapcast.
Is this possible or is it better to use the mpc → snapcast server → snapcast client bundle ?

The search showed that mpd also supports the snapcast audio output addon, but the coreelec version is old (see Snapcast configuration · MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD · Discussion #1287 · GitHub).
Also, when trying to configure lame (mp3) audio output in mpd in httpd, it does not work in coreelec, it only works in vorbis. I also saw in mpd’s github that it is necessary to update the version to a newer one.
How to update mpd bin in the standard mpd addon to a newer version to continue experiments?

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