(Solved) PVR Clients are not running at CE 8.90.4


I installed CE 8.90.4, everything is great, but PVR Clients are not running.

When you try to remove it and reload it, it is not called as incompatible.

Best regards…

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I have a WP2 pvr problem.Addons do not load pvr.

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You need to clear your package cache and update repositories when reinstalling otherwise your device will install old version that is cached on your device.

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Ok, now everything works.

But DVBViewer PVR client connects and disconnects, connects and disconnects, ie it enters the loop and performs the device gui-restart.
I just could not figure it out.

Best regards…


Looks like an issue with your tvheadend server.

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https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=333116 .

Could you update it to version 3.6.2 for CE?

Best regards…


Check for updates and it should appear.

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I installed version of the add-on, and it works fine, without problems …


The problem was solved with the latest version, thank you very much.

Best regards…


There is still a problem with the latest version of PVR DVBViewer Client.


Best regards…


https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=333116 .

Yeah, like he said, 32KB didn’t matter. He works super.

Best regards…

Addons have been updated to latest revision in CE repo, update and there should be no issue.

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