Strange CEC effect with Tanix TX3

Only way to solve the issue is to inject bl301:

I did a update on last nightly (9.2 and ce-19) what maybe solve the TX3(G12A} issue. But I can not confirm it does work now or not. Do not use injection from latest CE releases (9.2.6 or 19.0) as it will brick it for sure! Only last nightly do include the fix.

So it’s up to if you feel able to unbrick it if does fail. Khadas VIM3L did also fail after injection and I guess this was related to the same error as it’s also a G12A. If it works on last nightly please do not “downgrade” afterwards to the release as it will update and brick the device again. Do only update to future releases/nightlies.

Or you ask your vendor to solve the issue, what I guess never will be happen.