I wanted to write a small script relating to the capacity information of an SD card, flash drive, etc …

I have something like this but it doesn’t show me the correct size.

import xbmc, xbmcaddon, xbmcgui, xbmcplugin, os, sys, xbmcvfs
import re
import time

    translatePath = xbmcvfs.translatePath
except AttributeError:
    translatePath = xbmc.translatePath
storage = translatePath(os.path.join('/storage'))

total_size12 = 0

BytesPerGiB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024

for dirpath12, dirnames12, filenames12 in os.walk(storage):
    for f12 in filenames12:
        fp12 = os.path.join(dirpath12, f12)
        total_size12 += os.path.getsize(fp12)
total_sizetext12 = "%.2f GiB" % (total_size12/BytesPerGiB)

xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('total_sizetext12', "[B]Storage: " + total_sizetext12 + "[/B]")

I don’t know how to do - free, total
would anyone be able to suggest how to do it?


I only have c-snippes for you but you can translate it to script/pyhton:

// get full size of block device
uint64_t get_block_dev_size(char *dev)
FILE *filp;
uint64_t number = 0;

  snprintf(cbuffer, BUFFER_SZ, "/sys/block/%s/size", dev);

  if (!file_exist(cbuffer)) {
    printf("Parameter for block device '%s' not found: '%s'\n", MMC_BLOCK_DEVICE, cbuffer);
    return 0;

  filp = fopen(cbuffer, "r");
  if (filp != NULL) {
    if (fgets(cbuffer, BUFFER_SZ, filp) != NULL)
      number = (uint64_t)strtoll(cbuffer, NULL, 10) * MMC_BLOCK_SIZE;


  return number;

MMC_BLOCK_DEVICE == mmcblk0 for eMMC, mmcblk1 for uSD

  // get full size of eMMC and show a "user friendly" GB size of the eMMC
  uint64_t emmc_size = get_block_dev_size(MMC_BLOCK_DEVICE);

  printf("\neMMC size: 0x%012llx [%dGB]\n",
    (long long unsigned int) emmc_size,
    next_pow2(emmc_size / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)));
1 Like

thanks i’ll try to do something about it, although i doubt if i can manage it

import shutil

folder = '/storage'
total_mem, used_mem, free_mem = shutil.disk_usage(folder)
gb = 1024 * 1024 * 1024

print('Folder {}' .  format(folder))
print('  total: {:.1f} GB' . format(total_mem / gb))
print('  used : {:.1f} GB' . format(used_mem / gb))
print('  free : {:.1f} GB' . format(free_mem / gb))


vim3: # python
Folder /storage
  total: 10.5 GB
  used : 3.6 GB
  free : 6.8 GB


vim3: # df -h
/dev/CE_STORAGE          10.5G      3.6G      6.8G  35% /storage
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Thanks , @Portisch,@vpeter

I managed to do something like that

i can’t get the correct format

BytesPerGiB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024

%.0f GiB
%.2f GiB

import shutil

folder = '/storage'
total_mem, used_mem, free_mem = shutil.disk_usage(folder)

print('Folder {}' .  format(folder))
total_sizeTM = "%.0f GiB" % (total_mem/BytesPerGiB)
total_sizeUM = "%.0f GiB" % (used_mem/1024000.0)
free_memFM = "%.0f GiB" % (free_mem/1024000.0)

xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('str(free_mem)', str(free_mem))
xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('str(total_mem)', str(total_mem))
xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('str(used_mem)', str(used_mem))

<label>total_mem: $INFO[Window().Property(str(total_mem))][CR]used_mem: $INFO[Window().Property(str(used_mem))][CR]free_mem: $INFO[Window().Property(str(free_mem))]</label>

for block devices it’s most 1000, not 1024

thanks, I had something else mixed up, both work properly,

BytesPerGiB = 1000 * 1000 * 1000
gb = 1024 * 1024 * 1024

I have one more question, is there any autodetect pendrive to do

something like
var / media / *

thank you very much for your help and hints !

Classic example of over complicating things.


df -h /storage

On our research we found out df do deliver wrong values. That’s why we use rsync.

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