Ugoos AM6b+ Coreelec Crashing

Desperately looking for some help with a recurring problem i’m facing that i’m unable to identify the cause of. Periodically my Ugoos Coreelec build will crash (usually when i’m navigating the menus) and upon reboot the screen freezes on the Coreelec splash screen and stays there no matter how many reboots i attempt.

Please let me know which log files i can provide to help pinpoint the issue

First make fresh install to elimitate bad USB/SD.

My install is on the internal storage of the ugoos, many times I’ve had to reinstall it from my SD card and restore from backup, I’ve even done a complete restart and rebuilt everything but it keeps happening

Hi Portisch i will raise a ticket, please could you confirm which is the right log file to accompany my troubleshooting request?

01_KODI.log (75.2 KB)
Adding Kodi log for support troubleshooting :slight_smile:

Try the latest nightly build

Hi Portisch I’ve had this issue for a long time on both stable & nightly builds unfortunately

And what we should do when log does not include any information?

Could be the reason.

which information can i provide that gives the necessary detail?

just follow the tips?

Did you not see my previous comment where i said “I’ve even done a complete restart and rebuilt everything but it keeps happening”?

I give up.

Thanks for trying! As mentioned i’ve already rebuilt my Kodi setup from scratch before and the same issue persists which is why i’ve asked this community if they’re able to help me by pointing me in the direction of other steps to try - I provided the log as every other post i read on this forum of someone in a similar situation to me gets told upload your log to help identify the cause of the issue…you seem to have a bit of an attitude problem in how you communicate with people to be honest, you should work on that

Really ?
The developers do all of this in their free time
Why do You insult them ?

Because of the patronising messages they posted towards me in this thread, there’s no need for it

Just to be clear, you were asked, as everyone is, to provide logs with a clean install and before you customize your setup. Then, if everything runs well in a vanilla setup, you had complexity and see where it fails.
That’s it, it’s the same issue over and over, users don’t follow what’s asked and devs get frustrated for losing precious time. We’re stretched thin, very thin.


It’s easier to upload the logs using the CE tool: