Update nextpvr in docker container to latest image (solved)

Hi Folks,

I set up nextpvr backend using docker on each of my (7!) CoreELEC devices, using the below string

docker run -d
–restart unless-stopped
–volume /storage/nextpvr/config:/config
–volume /storage/tvshows:/recordings
–volume /storage/nextpvr/livetv:/buffer
–volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
–publish 8866:8866

This is working really well, and i set mount points at boot in tvshows folder to an smb share so i have a large drive for recording, however, i cant work out how to easily update when a newer docker image is available.

I tried the below command and it pulls the newer image but does not appear to run it, even after a reboot.

docker pull nextpvr/nextpvr_arm32v7:stable

I also tried, directly after pulling the new image running the below, but it just runs the old ‘existing’ image


The only way i have found to be able to update to a newer image is to uninstall docker, reboot, reinstall docker, reboot then start from scratch running the first set of commands in this post. Is this the only way - is there something i can run that will just update to latest image without all the uninstall / reinstall / reboots etc?

Thanks in advance!

You may have to rm the existing container before running the new one. Or at the very least stop your old container before running the new one.

Thanks for the reply, i tried stopping the container using ‘kill’ but i was still unable to update, and using the original commands even with contain stopped fail, and prompts me to rename the container first, but i don’t want to rename or delete (unless there is something i can do on ssh that will delete and re-add / run all in one go with out reboot) i was hoping there was some commands i could just run after each other to get it to update!

You should read the update instructions on how they suggest to update the container.
Usually you delete the old container and create a new one after doing a pull. At least that’s how pi-hole works, I can only assume nextpvr works in a similar way.

ok thanks, i saw some stuff about pi-hole when first looking in to this, but was not sure if they were relevant. will check out how to delete a container in the pi-hole threads and try again…

Instructions should be on their dockerhub page.

thanks - i found and worked it out - if anyone else is interested, these are the commands / flow. big improvement as i can do all from my pc in the loft, without having to go back and forth between floors uninstalling / reinstalling docker and then back up to the loft for ssh. a right pia with 7 devices to do!!

run below command and note the container ID for nextpvr

docker container ls -a

run below with the container ID you noted, without the brackets

docker container rm (containerID)


log back in once up and run below (note this clears all stopped containers / images so be careful if you have other docker contianers)

docker system prune -f

then run

docker image pull nextpvr/nextpvr_arm32v7

and finally run

docker run -d
–restart unless-stopped
–volume /storage/nextpvr/config:/config
–volume /storage/tvshows:/recordings
–volume /storage/nextpvr/livetv:/buffer
–volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
–publish 8866:8866

image is now updated and ready to go, with previous config / DB still in place!


I am using

docker image pull nextpvr/nextpvr_arm32v7
mkdir /storage/nextpvr
mkdir /storage/nextpvr/livetv
docker run -d \
    --name=nextpvr \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --volume /storage/nextpvr/config:/config \
    --volume /storage/tvshows:/recordings \
    --volume /storage/videos:/movies \
    --volume /storage/nextpvr/livetv:/buffer \
	--volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    --publish 8866:8866 \

(or stable)
and I have access in /storage/

Hi, I’m using a amlogic 905s device, would it be possible to use nextpvr_arm32v7?

kind regards.

i thinks so…but you would need to test it out! i am using s905x without issue…