Upgrade X96_Max_Plus_2 box - to CE 21.0

X96_Max_Plus_2 box – Android TV
S905X3 - 4Gb / 32Gb - Ethernet connection
Set up 03/2021 – updated to CoreElec 19.5
Used CoreELEC – Amlogic–ng.arm-19.5-Generic.img
Used CoreElec device_tree = use sm1_s905x3_4g_1gbit
Working fine to-date!

Wanted to try CoreElec 20.5
Could not find CoreElec device_tree = sm1_s905x3_4g_1gbit
In any of the 3 Generic img riles.

Downloaded / installed CE 21.0 – on new SD card
Found sm1_s905x3_4g_1gbit – moved to root – renamed to dtb.img.
CE 21.0 installed – seems to run fine.

Having problems with some addons, which run fine under 19.5.

So want to try CE 20.5 again – but where do I find device_tree = sm1_s905x3_4g_1gbit ???

Can I use the same device tree file from CE 21.0?

In same place as on every image. And don’t tell me that files is not there because it is.

Thanks. I’ll have another look.

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