How to create a coreelec sd/usb drive that will boot without mmc (mmc is dismantled - damaged).
The only system that starts now is Armbian Armbian_24.2.0_amlogic_s905x3_jammy_6.1.65_server_2023.12.07.img
CE is using Android bootloader which means it will not boot without emmc.
It would be possible to using bootloader from Armbian but you will have to be little creative.
Maybe also check the following thread: Trying to recover MXIII G II S912 TV Box from what looks like corrupted/dead internal memory - #11 by anon88919003
Maybe you could give some tips?
It won’t help, the memory was physically damaged and I removed it. And buying a new one and soldering it is more expensive than a new, better device, so it’s not an option.
Extract u-boot from your Android IMG and burn it to uSD you have CoreELEC on.
You see it require advanced user knowledge.
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