As I love Coreelec already für long time running on a x96 Mini, i was searching for 4k capable cheap hardware.
I got a Vorke Z6 plus and tried to install/boot Coreelec 9.2, but I failed and I would like to kindly ask the community for help.
I did, what I always do when I install Coreelec on a “virgin” device:
flashed that image onto a microsd card using rufus.
copied the “gxm_q201_3g” (According the that should be the correct file) to the root directory of that microsd card
renamed that file to dtb.img
inserted memory card into device
boot from memory card
That always happens:
First redish Screen of CoreElec appears and there are some textlines located at the upper left corner saying coreelec is making some installstuff repartitioning tables or somthing like that, but no errormessage. After 15 Seconds countdown the device reboots.
After reboot the device hangs in a bootloop, or at least the display says “boot” and screen stays black.
Android Stocksoftware works w/o problems, so I assume there should not be hardware issues.
Tried another memorycard, just to make sure its not the media
Tried nightlie build.
Tried even other dtb-files: Vorke Z6 (without “plus”), some others from the internet
Always same behaviour.
Is the “Vorke Z6 Plus” really supported by Coreelec?
BTW: I also failed installing Libreelec, same behaviour.
Is there a bootlock or other things to consider at Vorke Z6 plus?
I hope you can help me installing my favourite Mediacenter.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your replies.
I tried 9.0.0, 9.0.1, 9.2, and 9.2 nightlies.
Lets say i can get hold of a working device with internal installation.
I remember me logging into a device using putty ages ago and fiddling arround the console. But I have no clue, where to search a dtb.img in the filesystem.
Is there a way to exctract the used dtb.img or at least to determine which one is used?
I was finally able to identify and solve the error.
Just for future Information and as a service to public:
The root of all problems was a obviously too long HDMI cable.
During installationprocess of Coreelec and first few seconds of booting there is a screenresolution, that was low enough to pass that cable without noteable problems. Television displayed everything that came from the box.
But when Coreelecs welcomescreen appears, the resolution switches to 4k (maybe due a 4k TV) and for this resolution the cable had too much errorinfluence or is not certified for 4k. Thats why the screen went always black when finishing booting.
In desperate used a shorter cable (had to move some furniture to get access to a powerplug) and voila it worked.
I wish to thank you all for your good advices and help.
Case can be closed.