Why does scp not work?

I have seen that the intended ways to access files on the CE device from remote are SMB and NFS.

Just out of curiosity: why does copying files from the CE box by using scp an a remote machine not work (scp root@cebox:/storage/something .)? In /etc/ssh/sshd_config it seems that sftp is enabled, so scp should work?

# override default of no subsystems
Subsystem	sftp	/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server

scp -v tells me that it is connecting to the device, but then it hangs…

Any ideas why this is?

If I haven’t misinterpreted how writable config files are handled, these should be put in /storage/.config.

I would like to add a share to /run/samba/smb.conf.

I see that there is /storage/.config/samba.conf.sample.
So I tried to have a suitable smbd config file in the following locations, but none of them was picked up during boot and put to /run/samba/smb.conf:

  • /storage/.config/samba.conf.sample
  • /storage/.config/samba.conf
  • /storage/.config/smb.conf
  • /storage/.config/samba/smb.conf

I am obviously missing some information here.
From where is the /run/samba/smb.conf file populated during startup?
(Editing that file works until the device is rebooted, then the changes are gone.)
If that location isn’t writeable, would it make sense to populate /run/samba/smb.conf from a location within /storage/.config/?


I am new to CoreELEC. I understand that getting support required providing log files. I am taking privacy seriously and follow a policy of sharing information on a need to know basis.

The .kodi/temp/kodi.log is relatively mild regarding identifying information, sharing publicly would be fine for me.

The comprehensive log file collection in /logfiles is another story, I wouldn’t want to share this publicly, rather use a pastebin of my choice and share the URL in a PM to the supporting person.


(1) does any of the 3 log upload options of the CoreELEC addon upload a logs archive from /logfiles? If so, which option from the UI menu is it?

(2) is support open to receiving the log file URL in a PM instead of in public?

I can get a connection with WiFi, but eth0 does not work. I can see it via ssh:

2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST8000> mtu 1500 qdisc noop qlen 1000
    link/ether <redacted> brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

but setting it up throws an error (doing this from the CoreELEC UI addon just does nothing and the button snaps back to “off”):

ip link set eth0 up
ip: ioctl 0x8914 failed: Device or resource busy

That doesn’t sound right.

What am I missing?


Do you need default log settings log, or debug log?

to possibly shortcut: debug logs says basically the same:
error <general>: ## CoreELEC Addon ## connman::set_technologies ## ERROR: (DBusException('Device or resource busy'))

Do not open posts over everything everywhere!
One step after another…

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Well this is the pace at which I discover CE and have questions. Rest assured that I have searched the forum to find ansers before posting my question. I thought it would be good practice to assign questions to the fitting topics. Maybe you can tell me why this is discouraged.

@Portisch here is the log:

@vpeter I see you unlisted the thread. Is this to be able to share system logs in private? Then thank you for the initiative.

I unlisted the thread because it is just a mess. As old user you should be more familiar with this project and not opening multiple threads one after another.


Although my account is registered for a long time, I had back then 1 initial question. No one answered that and I had other things on my hands, so I continued to use the other Kodi box I have.

It is just in the last few days that I started to actively use the forum. I am not at all familiar with the project details yet.
So I have no clue what the expectation is, usually it works well when questions a separated by the topics available in the forum.
Where should the questions have gone instead?

And how do we proceed from here?

In the meanwhile I tested with a USB NIC, which works. Would be nicer with the internal NIC though.