So, the title of this Topic I guess says it all. After every reboot of CE the system just won’t connect automatically to the Wi-Fi, that was set up previously. So I must manully recconnect to it after every new startup of the system (in the CoreElec->Connections menu). The Wi-Fi is working fine otherwise, after I have reconnected. And it’s not that if it has “forgotten” the password to my Wi-Fi network, it just somehow doesn’t wnat to auto connect to it…
What could possibly cause this probelm and is there a “trick” to resolve it?
Yes, it has S905X2 SoC. I thought there will be some other “workaround” to solve this, rather than installing the newest CE version (and so wiping entirely the current), could you not suggest something else to try out? And if I really have to install the new CE version, must it be surely the 21 Nightly, the 21.0 Stable won’t be enough?
You will find an approach in this thread that may solve the problem. The OP uses a script called every 5 minutes by crontab to check if the network is connected and reconnect if not.
I use a variation that is called once by the autostart file. The main script, called keepup saved in the home directory, is:
echo "***--- $(date) ---*** " >> $log
echo "" >> $log
while :; do
sleep "$(( 299 - $(date +%s) % 300 )).$(( 1000000000 - $((10#$(date +%N))) ))"
if ! nc -w15 -z $address 80 ; then
echo -n "*** $(date +%H:%M:%S.%N | head -c 12) *** " >> $log
if ! nc -w15 -z $address 80 ; then
echo -n "twice so reconnect" >> $log
systemctl restart connman.service
sleep 2
systemctl restart wpa_supplicant.service
echo >> $log
It is called by the following line in the file /storage/.config/ : /storage/keepup &