Wi-Fi doesn't auto-connect after bootup on Beelink GT1 Mini + CE 9.2.8

You will find an approach in this thread that may solve the problem. The OP uses a script called every 5 minutes by crontab to check if the network is connected and reconnect if not.

I use a variation that is called once by the autostart file. The main script, called keepup saved in the home directory, is:



echo "***--- $(date) ---***  " >> $log
echo "" >> $log
while :; do
    sleep "$(( 299 - $(date +%s) % 300 )).$(( 1000000000 - $((10#$(date +%N))) ))"
        if ! nc -w15 -z $address 80 ; then
            echo -n "*** $(date +%H:%M:%S.%N | head -c 12) ***  " >> $log
            if ! nc -w15 -z $address 80 ; then
                echo -n "twice so reconnect" >> $log
                systemctl restart connman.service
                sleep 2
                systemctl restart wpa_supplicant.service
            echo >> $log

It is called by the following line in the file /storage/.config/autostart.sh :
/storage/keepup &