Hi I am running CoreELEC version,
CoreELEC (official)
Running on a Odroid N2+
I was following the Wireguard client set up…
Installation of WireGuard client in CoreELEC:
Create the file /storage/.config/wireguard/wireguard.config with the following content:
Type = WireGuard
Name = WireGuard VPN
Host =
WireGuard.Address = <private_ip_addres_from_file_peer_test.conf_in_server>/32
WireGuard.PrivateKey = <privatekey_from_file_peer_test.conf_in_server>
WireGuard.PublicKey = <publickey_from_file_peer_test.conf_in_server>
WireGuard.DNS =,
WireGuard.AllowedIPs =
WireGuard.EndpointPort = 51820
WireGuard.PersistentKeepalive = 25
Next in Kodi System-CoreELEC-Connections enable WireGuard VPN.
I changed the necessary fields to my own, which work using a Wireguard client on my PC.
When I go to Coreelec, connection, I see the WireGuard VPN listed, the state is idle and type is manual.
After pressing connect, it quickly changes to state: failure.
Ok I figured it out, 2 things,
From another forum, The config should contain public key of server not client.
WireGuard.PublicKey = [server public key] The config should contain public key of server not client.
WireGuard.PublicKey = [server public key]
I changed the config to this and still it would not connect.
Lastly I used the VI editor and checked to see where the end of lines were.
I had three lines with an extra space at the end. I removed all the blank spaces at the end of all lines. I then tried connecting, and I was SUCCESSFUL!
I will leave this here in case others have the same issue.