X96 X4 - S905X4 based box - any success?

Hey, you opened it already.
So you can disable it, by a little flip-switch on the voltage supply line (one of the red wires).
But sniffing the communication data could also be interesting.

Also you can drill some 3mm holes around the center top of the case for better ventilation.

Okay, I was interested if someone already tried.

But can sniff the communication/decompile the APK.

I’ve also attached UART for the boot console on the main board.

Hi again,
just curious how to run Python script that needs access to the serial port?

The pip is not present so I can’t install serial module and test the captured sequences.

Any hints?

Here are the captured payloads Petr Hodina / LEDControl · GitLab

Also the stty is missing to test the LED control directly through shell (need to change the baudrate)


The system has limited space free on root, so you cannot install software there.
I did not build coreelec, but i think the extra needed software should be applied to the image at build time.

Since i also have a raspberry pi3 with Raspbian 11 bullseye, i can copy the program stty from there:

pi:/bin $ file stty
stty: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked
, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, BuildID[sha1]=83829b18ae7d2c3b4f5734326f
55022ce3af2341, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped

stty (61.9 KB)
it should work on coreelec, if you copy it to the download folder, and start from there.

All those packages are avaliable if you install entware.

Thanks I’ve installed the entware and then stty as well as python3-pip but now I get after like a minute this message and the system shuts down.

Any idea why that happens? Before it didn’t

Broadcast message from root@CoreELEC (Sat 2023-06-24 19:49:25 UTC):

The system will power off now!


Any idea how the rgb strip can be turned off? I can only do it in android :confused: thanks


If you set off the light OFF in android OS, when boot into CE does it turn ON?
I expect the LED controller remember the same settings.

Else if not you may consider disconnecting the LED strip from the board. Easy.
Just you need to dismantle the bottom part.

Thank you for advice! Its working (turned off in android).


I got a X96 Max + Ultra (905X4) yesterday, very underwhelmed unfortunately, I think its going to go back.

The 20-ng build only booted with a non 1gbit device tree, the 20-ne build did boot with a 1gbit device tree?

Really poor IR reception, 7 feet away and the operation of the remote starts to get patchy.

White artefacts when trying to view PVR channels / recordings.

No Bluetooth.

Any one of these I could probably over look, all together make it unappealing

I was going to go with a 905X3 but paid a little extra to try and future proof with AV1 and he builds, sorry I did now lol

Try Vontar X4.

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How good is hdr to sdr tone mapping, also can u use kodi hable tone mapping and slider etc? Thinking of buying x96 s905x4

just bought one off the famous china website for cheap stuff…alixxx :wink:
special offer on, just started today…$42.13 delivered to frogland, 10 day delivery…fingers crossed

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I tried now CoreELEC-Amlogic-ne.aarch64-21.0-Omega_nightly_20230830-Generic.img.gz on this box from USB-stick.
It also says “missing partition super, no media playback possible”.

But since it is 64-bit userland, i could now run geekbench5 & 6. Maybe interesting results:

Binaries are to be found there:

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