I got a AM6B+ yesterday, installed CoreElec according to the guide, installed it with dual boot to eMMC, and used the recommended settings in the guide, everything worked perfectly fine.
Unfortunately, 50 % of my Dolby Vision files play fine, the other 50 % trigger a no input screen from my TV+AVR chain, the movies are played in the background and I have to stop the movie blind to get back to CoreElec.
I tried another HDMI cable (the one that came with the player) and even used another AVR port but same issue.
I checked my mkv files with MediaInfo but I can’t find any reason why some files have issues - they all play on my Zidoo Z9X perfectly but I bought the AM6B+ only to have the DV FEL option (and a faster GUI).
(Furthermore: In some cases while testing one file after another DV is not triggered and the movie starts with a green tint. This stays in CoreElec after stopping and is only resolved after starting a movie with HDR)
Can somebody give me a hint?
I’m considering to start completely fresh now and try again.
I have build the stick yesterday with the recommended nightly, 20240718-Generic to be exact. I just booted from stick, upgraded to todays 20240723 and flashed it over to the eMMC overwriting everything. With only a few settings and no custom skin - success!
DV seem to work now, the movies that gave no signal worked flawlessly now!
I don’t know what the culprit was. Either it is something from the settings here:
Maybe something from Settings->Services->Caching Buffer, Read factor, Memory size? Or eMMC Speed Mode – HS200, HS400?
Or it was the fault of the Arctic Horizon 2 skin I installed yesterday (I noticed the player GUI is a little bit different too)
Or it was the CEC HDMI blocker adapter I used yesterday. Now I configured the CEC plugin in CoreElec.
Found it. It is the popular akin Arctic Horizon 2. As soon it is active, several DV titles show no input. When I go back to Estuary they run flawlessly.
What is happening?
I installed Arctic Zephyr Reloaded now, DV works fine like with Estuary. It’s definitely the fault of Arctic Horizon 2.
I give it a try, I already use an older version of AZ2R on my Zidoo because it’s very fast on that slow device, looks like somebody new took over Ressurection.
I recently got the Ugoos AM6B+, and Dolby Vision doesn’t work properly with CoreELEC/Arctic Horizon 2.
When I start a Dolby Vision movie, I only get the sound but no picture.
The only way I’ve found to get the picture is to start the DV MKV movie, change the audio language using the shortcut on my remote (which finally restores the picture), and then switch back to the usual audio language.
This issue only occurs with Arctic Horizon 2.
With the Estuary, Arctic Zephyr Reloaded, and Arctic Zephyr 2 Resurrection skins, it works properly.
I am using the latest stable version of CoreELEC 21.1 with the file to enable DV FEL.
I have the same issue on my Ugoos AM6B+ with Arctic Horizon 2 especially with Dolby Vision + True HD. Changing the audio stream and restarting the video works though. I tested the same files on other skins and they work perfectly fine. I hope someone finds a solution because I really like the AH2 skin.
On my Firecube main menu, if I press S, the power menu comes up and only shows weather, favorites, file manager, addons and settings, it doesnt show quit as it does on my windows environment and dune player.
Can someone check if it is the same with their box?