Amlogic-ne, New Era

Issue resolved with today’s update. Thanks for the responsiveness guys. :muscle:

Hi Mark,
The problem I illustrated above is now solved. On the other hand, as already mentioned, there is a limit linked to Framebuffer (fbdev) which causes other types of artifacts that you will notice if you display your interface in real 4k (disable CE scaling in the settings display and restart).

Subject partly mentioned here: Render 120Hz GUI


you can also put the TrustOnX Player (TOX3) S905X4 here, NE works flawlessly now that LAN wired (eth) connection has be fixed via included drivers.


Thanks for Corelec 21 Omega version.
My device Gt King II.The result of my first tests.
CoreElec 21 Omega Test
Wireless ok but slow
Disneyplus OK is playing freezing
Netflix Widevine 64 bit is not loaded. Inputstream and Widevine give 32 bit error
Bluetooth is connecting
Dvb driver ok
Corelec warehouse is not connected


Wireless speed measurement
Note: My Internet Speed Fiber 100 MB

Widenvine looding

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CE Kodi 20.1 Wireless Test with Nexus

Just installed 21 nightly on my S905X4 device and can confirm both Disney+ and Netflix work with the new 64 bit widevine cdm provided with Disney+ addon by matthuisman
To make Netflix work, you have to go to inputstream helper addon Settings → Debug → Disable Inputstream Helper.
With that setting, Netflix plays fine. No need to edit inputstream helper code

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Thanks, :pray:

Wireless speed is ok with today’s update

Wireless slowed down after today’s update.
Test device Gt King İİ


There was nothing changed in Wifi, use a cable…

I returned to the software dated 20230322
Wireless test
Test device Gt King İİ

You are checking against different Host servers, so results are not comparable. Maybe your ISP has traffic congestion…

Trying to test CoreELEC 21 on my VIM1S. When I try to install an add-on from the CoreELEC repository I get the following error message.

Kodi repository is working fine.

Please try again now, maybe reboot the system.

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I tried unsuccessfully to load Kodi 21 on S905w2 (Tanix w2). On that same device I charge, from micro sd, kodi 20. I have tried both micro sd and usb. Any idea what may be going on?


When I install the nightly update dated 23.03.2023, I am encountering the problem that I will share below. As far as I understand, it gives me a warning to update the eMMC, that is, the android partition. My device is Ugoos AM7 905 X4. When I bought the device before, I updated the android part. Unfortunately, Reboot to libreElec only It worked in version 1.07. I couldn’t run Reboot to libreElec with any of the other versions. Will it work now when I update the Android partition, thanks.

As seen in the picture, the tuner is connected but there is no picture. It plays the videos but there is no picture.

It updated to 20230323 but I am getting the super partitioning error on the android eMMC seen in the picture. I upgraded the Android version to 1.1.4, this time CoreElec does not boot. Where could I have made the mistake?
Note:CoreElec opens with Android 1.0.7 version, but gives the error seen in the picture

I’m having this same issue.
CoreELEC (official): 20.1-Nexus_nightly_20230322 (Amlogic-ne.arm)

And its not ISP traffic Congestion. My tablet using WIFI 6 on the same 5G signal at the same distance will get full speed. To include connecting to the same speedtest server.

I’ve also compared the speedtest from the app and command line and the both return the same slow speed.

Oddly enough; if you run

iw dev wlan0 link

It will report
Connected to xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (on wlan0)
freq: 5240
RX: 570912631 bytes (404200 packets)
TX: 63414425 bytes (99648 packets)
signal: -38 dBm
rx bitrate: 1080.8 MBit/s
tx bitrate: 72.0 MBit/s

I’m having this same issue for CoreELEC (official): 20.1-Nexus_nightly_20230322 (Amlogic-ne.arm). My tablet will get the full speed but the Coreelec box on the same signal and distance will get the same as you are reporting.