Any support for Magicsee C300 PRO

I’m rally sorry for my mistake (tuner is not connected directly to the Internet and i can’t use ‘dmesg|poaste’)

Demodulator is on i2c_id=3, but it doesn’t understand my commands for identifying. Can you open box and take picture of Availink demodulator?

The chip is AVL6862TA and MXL 608 7S089 16

Maxlinear MLX 608 is tuner only for DVB-T/C.

The smallest one chip is
DG 111

There isn’t available open-source linux driver for MXL 608. In Mecool and Khadas board is used AVL6862 and tuner Rafaelo R848. R848 supports DVB-S/T/C.

Support for AVL6892 and Mxl 608 is included in LibreELEC:

This is only part of internal dvb driver. To create working driver without physical box is practically impossible. If is for you unacceptable use USB stick, buy supported box. The cheapest Mecool KI plus starts at 50€.

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can this one fit?pulled out of stock firmware.avl68xx_fe.ko.

remote control settings c300 pro.I check everything is working.

Now alexelec has included the drivers for c300 pro in his distribution I hope you can includes it at coreelec too Here is the url

yes everything works well.Can you do support on c300 pro too?

@afl1 already added it to CE nightly some time ago

tomorrow can already be checked?

It has been in the repo for several days now. You can use the current nightly.

I tried is the log.

Try to use dvb-latest driver addons.

did as you said.used the latest dvb drivers.while dvb is not is the log.

You have to switch in Add-ons->CoreELEC Module Drivers->Choose DVB Drivers Modules->DVB drivers from the latest kernel (media_build) - penguin icon. Reboot box.

included the latest kernel (media_build) - penguin icon.dvb is not defined.tried another dtb.img from alexelec.dvb appeared in tvheadend.but sat,dvbt channels does not find.

log dtb alexelec