Bad Hearing subtitle / Teletext ? How To?

I checked the URL on virustotal, the checksum matched what they had on file from 2 years ago VirusTotal so I suspect a false positive.

I downloaded this file and upload it to VirusTotal and it has 2 positive results. If they are real or not I donā€™t know :slight_smile:

I use virustotal for some software I write and there are almost always false positives on a few of the lesser known scanners. The file you checked was the Linux version, so with all the scripts etc,it is bound to fail.

I donā€™t know exactly but I would not be surprised that the developer has a virus on his computer ā€¦ that would explain why several Bulds have serious bugs and defective


Sorry, wrong copy/paste: it was

I donā€™t know but I can say that CW detected BTC miner in many VPNā€¦ when I contact them they offer me a free timeā€¦

In my opinion this build have virus trojan for sure Clamwin is the most efficient anti virus in the world is slow but ruthless

Interesting the same sha256 as I used for the URL
5823d0bd9cf872e2fc99f93219ef7daa89ddeae7154a25420c7022311de30a77 gives a different response. I still suspect a false positive.

@vpeter has this URL VirusTotal but one a/v is reporting an avcodec scan.

Probably the fact that it is a shell to another exe is what makes it seem suspicious.

0.90 work good very fast and no virus ā€¦ but no portable build nor drag and drop

Finaly I report the KODI issue here Kodi does not see and does not play Bad Hearing subtitle / Teletext CC608 Ā· Issue #23038 Ā· xbmc/xbmc Ā· GitHub

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