Best device for Coreelec in 2024

I don’t have a SK1, but a X96 X10. Right now, menus, navigation are noticeably snappier on latter, but video playback of any DV files is slooow (to start playing, as you’ll see in the video in my mini-review).


We will have to wait for @freddy to tell his x96 x10 experience with dolby vision

I see, s928x is faster

Information about the VC-1 codec is very important to me. Very few of these boxes actually play that codec, and I have a lot of BlueRay rips that use that codec.
So, that conversation belongs to this thread.

I have both, Ugoos Am6B+ and the Ugoos SK1. I rarely use the Am6B+, since I only have a few videos with the “FEL” version of DV.
However, I do use the SK1 a lot since it is one of the few players that play my videos using the VC-1 codec (I have a lot of those). I don’t use any “heavy” skins, so I can’t comment on how fast the menu transitions.



but AM6B+ also plays VC-1.

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I will have to check it out. Up until recently, I had to use Emby to play those videos, because Emby would transcode them.

Now, I rarely use Emby.

You are correct, the AM6B+ does play those pesky VC-1 files with hardware decoding.

VC1 playback as interlaced instead of progressive , in Settings/Player change accelerate VC1 to exclude 24p

on the AM6B+ are you using nightly with the cache performance boost?
if so how does it now compare to the SK1? in navigation and opening long lists

My AM6B+ just updated to version 20241003. Is the cache performance boost included in the nightly or setup separately?

I really have not noticed any speed difference on any of my devices. Guess I am not sure what I am supposed to be looking for.

I only have 1484 movies with different audio and video codecs.

I have 193 different recorded TV series.

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I really haven’t noticed any difference in playback when using Accelerate VC-1 Always or Exclude 24P. I will keep that in mind if I run into issues with the setting to Always.

use exclude 24p.

It’s in the nightly, have you noticed the AM6B+ snappier than before you updated? and you’re saying it’s as snappy as SK1 now?
people have been reporting its snappier, navigating is snappier

I really can’t tell any difference and never have. I am using the stock skin, Estuary.

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It’s inconclusive that the DTB changes had any effect on performance. A few people reported that the UI ‘feels’ faster, and this was turned into a ‘25% speed boost’ guestimate that’s being repeated as fact.

There’s also people saying they’ve noticed no difference. Things like boot time and software decoding cpu load balancing can be quantified, and have, and showed no change. I don’t know how to quantify how fast the UI feels.


My boot time hasn’t changed. Still slow as shit 7-8 seconds when my certified android wakes up fast.

Highly likely there are setup differences. SD vs Emmc.

If I want to dual boot Android TV for SmartTube + Stremio, and then use CoreELEC for my local media. Should I go ahead and get a Homatics Box R 4k Plus or wait until when/if the S928X get FEL support?

I’m a bit worried that the lack of VC-1 decoder might not let me play some of my older material.

And also, am I correct in understanding that S928X supports decoding both AV1 & VC-1?

I haven’t noticed any real difference in the nightlies to be fair I am not sure which if any have updated dtbs. What I do know is comskip is still slow. It is my real world bench mark test for CPU, disk and network but I do see for the same h264 input file on NFS some major differences with CE devices

S928X-J CE 21.1.1 on SD comskip ~176 fps

S922 (odroid N2) CE 22 no on eemc comskip ~156 fps

S904X4 CE 21.1.1 on SD comskip ~88 fps

For comparison an RPi5 is ~230 fps. For Intel an n100 is ~430 fps and an i5-14 ~456 fps so the speed of my share starts limiting them. Locally the i5 can do ~631

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Am6b+ can play VC-1 with no issue with software decoding. Nothing to worry about.